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Grant Carthew edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 8 revisions

perj separatorString Option

The separatorString option allows you to customize the string used to separate child top level properties.

Type: String

Default: :

Valid: Any String but keep it short.


If you create a top level property key with a value of a string, then use the same key when you create a child logger, the separatorString is inserted between the parent and child string values.

For this to work you must meet these requirements:

  • Create a top level property when creating either a root or child logger.
  • Remember the key name you used.
  • Ensure the key contains a string value.
  • Use the same key name when you create child loggers from the parent.
  • Ensure the key on the child contains a string.

Here is an example of a value you would get from a child logger if you changed the separatorString from the default of : to >:

keyName: 'parent > child1 > child2 > child3 > child4' and so on.


This example shows the default separatorString being used on a top level key called 'component':

import Perj from 'perj';

const parent = new Perj({ component: 'app' })'parent')
// {"level":"info","lvl":50,"component":"app","time":1525643291716,"msg":"parent","data":""}

const firstChild = parent.child({ component: 'route' })'child1')
// {"level":"info","lvl":50,"component":"app:route","time":1525643291716,"msg":"child1","data":""}

const secondChild = firstChild.child({ component: 'auth' })'child2')
// {"level":"info","lvl":50,"component":"app:route:auth","time":1525643291716,"msg":"child2","data":""}

This example shows a custom separatorString being used on a top level key called 'module':

import Perj from 'perj';

const parent = new Perj({ separatorString: ' > ', module: 'app' })'parent')
// {"level":"info","lvl":50,"module":"app","time":1525643291716,"msg":"parent","data":""}

const firstChild = parent.child({ module: 'route' })'child1')
// {"level":"info","lvl":50,"module":"app > route","time":1525643291716,"msg":"child1","data":""}

const secondChild = firstChild.child({ module: 'auth' })'child2')
// {"level":"info","lvl":50,"module":"app > route > auth","time":1525643291716,"msg":"child2","data":""}