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Grant Carthew edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 13 revisions

perj levels Option

The levels option enables you to define custom level logging functions and levels.

Type: Object


    fatal: 60,
    error: 50,
    warn: 40,
    info: 30,
    debug: 20,
    trace: 10

Valid: Object with keys set to Number values.


The levels option object is used to build the logger level functions. The key values, such as 'trace' become the function names. The Number value is used in conjunction with the level option.

Once the levels have been applied to the log object, you can call each level like so: log.warn('Don't do that!')

If you had a need to disable logging in your application you could add a { silent: Infinity } log level. Once the level exists you could set it with log.level and all logging would cease. There would be a log.silent() function however you just never use it.


This example changes the levels significantly:

import Perj from 'perj'
const levels = { silly: 100, crazy: 200, nuts: 300 }
const log = new Perj({ levels, level: 'silly' })

log.silly('This is a very silly log entry')
log.crazy('This log entry is just looney!')
log.nuts('And this one is a few screws loose')

// Standard out:
// {"level":"silly","lvl":100,"time":1525495702926,"msg":"This is a very silly log entry","data":""}
// {"level":"crazy","lvl":200,"time":1525495702930,"msg":"This log entry is just looney!","data":""}
// {"level":"nuts","lvl":300,"time":1525495702934,"msg":"And this one is a few screws loose","data":""}

Note: In the above example, the log object will only have a silly, crazy, and nuts log functions. The default levels such as info do not get created.