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Grant Carthew edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 5 revisions

perj dateTimeKey Option

The dateTimeKey option enables you to change the JSON key used for the date / time output.

Type: String

Default: time

Valid: Any String


The dateTimeKey option is used to change the key used in the output JSON for the date / time value. For example, the default dateTimeKey of 'time' will produce an output from the logger of:

{"level": "info", "lvl": 30, "time": 12345,...

If you set the dateTimeKey option to 'dt' then the output from the logger would look like:

{"level": "info", "lvl": 30, "dt": 12345,...


This example changes the dateTimeKey from the default of 'time' to 'dt':

import Perj from 'perj'
const log = new Perj({ dateTimeKey: 'dt' })'You have advanced to the next level!')


Standard out will be:

{"level":"info","lvl":30,"dt":1525643291716,"msg":"You have advanced to the next level!","data":""}
