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sudo apt install -y qemu-user-static qemu-system qemu-utils qemu-system-misc binfmt-support

How to build image

Need docker docker-compose installed, then type:

sudo DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose build vf2 

# need kernel tag from
sudo KERNEL_VERSION=vf2-v6.7.2-v1 docker-compose up vf2

Please note, any modify need to be done with step first.

for vf2 kernel

Because there is no Debian kernel, which was missing some patch to boot vf2, so I have to maintain the kernel by myself.

The kernel repo is here But I use different branch to generate kernel image which is under tags. Now it is based on one branch:

vf2-v6.7.2-dev .

(*-dev is branch and *-v{$num} is tag for vf2-linux repo)

2024/01/19: build image with vf2-v6.7-v2

2024/01/29: build image with vf2-v6.7.2-v1


One image files will be generated into image:


How to install image

The vf2-rootfs.img you can use cmd below to flash to nvme:

sudo dd if=vf2-rootfs.img of=/dev/[nvme-device] bs=64k iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress

If the bootloader you want to use it that in sd card, you can dd the vf2-rootfs.img to sd card:

sudo dd if=vf2-rootfs.img of=/dev/[sd-device] bs=64k iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress

Username and passwd

user: root,     passwd: rv 
user: debian,   passwd: debian

Once you boot the system, maybe the first thing is sudo apt update && upgrade.

Increase nvme disk

Maye you need reszie nvme volume with cmd below:

parted -f -s /dev/nvme0n1 print
echo 'yes' | parted ---pretend-input-tty /dev/nvme0n1 resizepart 1 100% 
resize2fs /dev/nvme0n1p1

(Better to reboot after this operation)

sync time

If you see the info after apt update:

E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 48d 6h 38min 42s).

Please fix it by ntpdate:

sudo ntpdate


The code demo I learn from d1_build