mwlIO - Matlab and MEX functions for reading from AD files into matlab.
Installing: Mex compiling in R2012b requires gcc-4.6, which isn't the default in Ubuntu 12.10. There is a package for it.
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-4.6
Call the matlab function 'makesources' from within the mwlIO folder. mwlIO actually has to be the working directory, otherwise mex won't find the .c sources.
cd PATH_TO_mwlIO/
Opening/reading Files
loadheader - read and parse header from mwl file
mwlopen - open a mwl file
f=MWLOPEN(filename) returns a mwl file object. This function tries to determine the mwl file type from the header and returns an object of the appropriate class. Example:
f = mwlopen( 'test.dat' );
Creating Files
mwlcreate - create a new mwl file
f=MWLCREATE(filename, filetype) creates a new mwl file object of the specified type and with the specified file name. Valid file types are: 'diode', 'eeg', 'event', 'feature', 'fixedrecord', 'waveform'. The header of the returned mwl file object is still open and can be modified.
f=MWLCREATE(filename, filetype, param1, value1, ...) allows the caller to set additional options. Valid options are: FileFormat - 'binary' (default) or 'ascii'. Ascii format is not supported by eeg or waveform files.
Mode - 'write' or 'overwrite'.
Header - Used to set the initial header of the file object. It should be a valid header object. The option leaves the header open for modifications.
Fields - Only valid for feature and fixedrecord files whih can handle custom fields. It should be a valid mwlfield object Sets the data fields in the file.
Data - Data to be written to disk. This option will close the header.
NSamples - Only valid for eeg and waveform files. Sets the number of samples in an eeg buffer (default=1808) or in a waveform (default=32).
NChannels - Only valid for eeg and waveform files. Sets the number of channels in an eeg buffer (default=8) or in a waveform (default=4).
f=mwlcreate('test.dat', 'eeg', 'NSamples', 1000, 'NChannels', 4);
fields = mwlfield( {'x', 'y'}, {'short', 'short'}, 1 );
data = struct('x', 1:100', 'y', sin(1:100)');
f=mwlcreate('test.dat', 'feature', 'Fields', fields, 'Data', data);
ad_filter_convert - convert ad filter setting
mwltypemapping - type conversions
makesources - compile mex files
test_mwlio - test for mwlIO toolbox