Cryogen is a 5 step installation processor that helps to install website that build in core php or support any php frameworks. can add or remove any server extentions in $requiredServerExtensions
according to website requirement in install/index.php
$requiredServerExtensions = [
'BCMath', 'Ctype', 'Fileinfo', 'JSON', 'Mbstring', 'OpenSSL', 'PDO','pdo_mysql', 'Tokenizer', 'XML', 'cURL', 'GD','gmp'
Set folder permissions here install/index.php
$folderPermissions = [
Path to change the .env
$envpath = dirname(__DIR__, 1) . '/install/config/.env';
Path to change the website landing and admin login after installation on line no 225 & 225
<a href="'.getWebURL().'" class="theme-button choto">Go to website</a>
<a href="'.getWebURL().'/admin" class="theme-button choto">Go to Admin Panel</a>
Replace database.sql with your corresponding sql in install/database.sql
without changing the name of database.