A trivia game Frontend Application Built with React + Vite. the Open Trivia Database API is used as the source of questions.
- Choose your game parameters: Difficulty, Topic, and Number of Questions.
- You will be presented with multiple choice questions based on the parameters you chose.
- Answer the questions to the best of your ability.
- At the end of the game, you can share your score, start a new game, or keep playing with your recent score.
- Fully Responsive
- Dark and Light Mode
- Sophisticated Data Fetching with Error Handling
- Multi Page
- Reactive UI
- Intermediary Loading States
- Folder Structure and File Naming Conventions
- Custom Hooks
- React + Vite
- Jotai (State Management)
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Shadcn UI Styled Components
- Radix-UI Components
- Lucide React Icons
- React Router
- Zod (Data Validation)
- React Hook Form
- Clsx and Tailwind Merge for Conditional Classes