Releases: tektoncd/cli
v0.17.0 Release 🎉
This release adds pipelines v0.22.0, triggers v0.12.0, and K8s v0.19.7, this release is mostly a dependencies bump with some other fixes.
Changelog 📋
Features ✨
- nix/nixos install notes #1305
Fixes 🐛
- Fix crash with pipeline describe when using inline taskSpec #1303
- Fix eventListener e2e test with new RBAC permissions #1313
- Fix Typos 🧑💻 #1318
Misc 🔨
- update deps - k8s deps are now v0.19.7 #1298
- Use tkn create pipeline in #1306
- Rename master branch to main 🧙 #1316
- Bump triggers and pipeline to latest releases 🥍 #1320
- master -> main in #1321
- fix release script #1322 #1323 #1324
Thanks ❤️
v0.16.0 Release 🎉
This release of tkn CLI adds compatibility with pipelines v0.20.1 and triggers v0.11.2. In this release, the auto-completion feature has been reworked with the bump in the cobra library version, adding support for PowerShell, fish, etc also, and giving errors on unexpected shell passed and multiple shells passed together. Support for logs of retried taskruns has also been added and --clustertask flag for deleting all taskruns related to the clustertask along with other bug fixes like tkn version not working without kubeconfig.
Changelog 📋
Features ✨
- Drop fork of cobra and use latest cobra library #1268
- Adapt new completion system based on new library version #1268
- Add support for showing logs of retried taskruns #1262
- Add support for --clustertask flag with tkn tr delete #1279
Fixes 🐛
- Fix tkn version not working without kubeconfig #1277
- tkn completion command will give an error for unexpected arg and more than one arg #1287
- Update taskrun tests from test builders to structs #1292
- Update task tests from test builders to structs #1289
Misc 🔨
- Refactor e2e test script and fix for security contrained environent #1276
- Do not use tkn version as a check during debian build #1272
- Fixing clustertask e2e tests #1149
- Use python3 binary for rpmbuild #1271
- Add information about homebrew in README #1293
- Update triggers e2e according to spec changes in latest version #1292
- Bump pipeline dep to v0.20.1 #1297
- Bump triggers dep to v0.11.2 #1300
Thanks ❤️
v0.15.0 Release 🎉
v0.15.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD Pipeline v0.19.0
, TektonCD Triggers v0.10.2
and K8s v0.19
This release of tkn
has now a basic support for plugins
in $HOME/.config/tkn/plugins
, for example if the user pass the command tkn plugin foo
it will be passed as $HOME/.config/tkn/plugins/tkn-plugin foo
This release has the latest hub binary which comes with new commands like info, install, reinstall, upgrade and downgrade.
A few more features, and bug fixes, and a final deprecation of the -c
ChangeLog 📋
Features ✨
- [#1178] Basic execution plugin module 📟 @vdemeester
- [#1259, #1254, #1258] Add --no-headers flag to tkn condition/triggerbinding/eventlistenner list command @pratikjagrut
- [#1242] allow --prefix-name and --timeout to be override when using --last or --use options @danielhelfand
Fixes 🐛
- [#1265] Hoist an ActivityTimeout option. @mattmoor
- [#1250] Ignore --follow flag when TaskRun or PipelineRun is done @devholic
Deprecation 🧹
- [#1269] remove --check shorthand and add global flags to version cmd @danielhelfand
Misc 🔨
- [#1260] Use goreleaser task from tektoncd/catalog | 2020/11/18-09:01 @vinamra28
- [#1257] Use debian/VERSION when building debian package @chmouel
- [#1267] Bumps Hub CLI Dependency @sm43
- [#1270] bump pipeline and triggers dep @pradeepitm12
Thanks ❤️
v0.14.0 Release 🎉
v0.14.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD Pipeline 0.18.0, TektonCD Triggers 0.9.1 and K8s v0.18.9
This release of tkn
has integrated the Hub
commands, user can now get and search catalog. Logs command for EventListener
is also available now.
v0.14.0 have updated OSX instruction to install from the brew. It now has --all-namespaces
for all the list sub-commands user can now list a resource in all the namespaces. This also maintains consistency while referring tekton resource in user-facing messages.
Deprecation Notice ⚠️
- The -c shorthand for tkn version check is deprecated and will be removed in v0.15.0.
ChangeLog 📋
Features ✨
- #1196 Update OSX instruction to install from brew 🍻
- #1192 Add EventListener Logs Command
- #1198 Bump Knative/K8s dependencies
- #1189 Refactor PipelineRun and TaskRun Cancel Error Based on Condition Status
- #1203 Integrate Hub commands into tkn
- #1224 Change --nocolour to --no-color
- #1221 Updates Hub Dependency
- #1232 Deprecate -c Shorthand for tkn version --check
- #1225 Bump pipeline and triggers deps
- #1234 Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn triggerbinding list command
- #1236 Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn eventlistener list command
- #1235 Add --all-namespaces flag to TriggerTemplate List subcommand
- #1241 Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn condition list command
- #1244 Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertask list command
- #1243 Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertriggerbinding list command
- #1238 Make sure we target LTS for ubuntus
- #1251 bump pipleine dependency to v0.18.0
Fixes 🐛
- #1208 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: EventListener
- #1211 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: TriggerBinding
- #1210 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: ClusterTriggerBinding
- #1209 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: Condition
- #1213 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: TriggerTemplate
- #1201 Avoid Use of Previous TaskRunSpecStatus and PipelineRunSpecStatus with Start Commands
- #1207 tkn pr describe failing in pr with conditions
- #1217 Fix Alignment of Usage
- #1227 Do Not Delete ClusterTask TaskRuns with --task Flag
- #1237 Fix APIversion not shown on describe commands
- #1245 fix function name typo
Misc 🔨
- #1194 Update README to v0.13.0
- #1197 Reorganize Release Process Docs and Add Details
- #1205 Remove Assertions to Help with Debugging EventListener e2e Failures
- #1215Update readme for 0.13.1 and fix lint task
- #1214 Fix unit test failures with go 1.15
- #1218 Document NO_COLOR and Edit README Headers
- #1249 Remove EventListener Log Output Assertion from e2e Tests
- #1252 Makefile: remove darwin/386 from cross target
Thanks ❤️
v0.13.1 Bug Fix Release 🎉
tkn v0.13.1 is a patch release fixing bugs raised after 0.13.0 release for using start command with --last, --use-pipelinerun and --use-taskrun with canceled pipelinerun/taskrun. This also fixes the pipelinerun describe command failing for failed pipelinerun with conditions
ChangeLog 📋
Fixes 🐛
#1201 Avoid Use of Previous TaskRunSpecStatus and PipelineRunSpecStatus with Start Commands
#1207 tkn pr describe failing in pr with conditions
Thanks ♥️
v0.13.0 Release 🎉
v0.13.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD Pipeline 0.16.3 and TektonCD Triggers 0.8.2.
This release of tkn
adds consistency between tkn clustertask start
and tkn task start
commands. In v0.13.0, tkn clustertask start
now features the --prefix-name
and --use-taskrun
options available with tkn task start
. The --prefix-name
option will allow users to specify a prefix for TaskRun names created with clustertask start. --use-taskrun
allows users to start TaskRuns using runtime information used in a previous TaskRun.
v0.13.0 also offers convenience features around using describe commands. For describe commands for ClusterTask, TaskRun, Pipeline, and PipelineRun, if only one resource is available in a namespace or on a cluster, describe commands will auto select and describe the single resource so a name argument doesn't need to be passed.
#1092 introduces a fix to allow users who do not have permissions to list deployments on a Kubernetes cluster the ability to still run tkn version
since version information is available via pipeline, triggers, and dashboard deployments.
As part of dealing with the deprecation of test builders in the TektonCD pipeline project, the deprecated test builders have been added to the cli repository in #1177 to help the project more gracefully move away from using test builders for unit tests for tkn
. We ask that developers not build around these test builders as they will be removed as more tests are converted to using structs of Tekton resources.
ChangeLog 📋
Features ✨
- #1154 Enable auto-select support in ClusterTask/TaskRun if only one is present
- #1179 Use --prefix-name option for tkn clustertask start
- #1191 Bump pipeline and triggers dep
- #1187 Enable auto-select support in pipelineDescribe if only one pipeline is present
- #1190 Enable auto select support in PipelineRunDescribe if only one PipelineRun Present
Fixes 🐛
- #1092 Modify tkn version to accept namespace as ldflag and flag
- #1185 Cancelling a pipelinerun which failed with
throws an error - #1186 Fix deployment fetch issue for multiple namespaces
Misc 🔨
- #1167 Update Condition Tests from Test Builders to Structs
- #1173 Update README Versions for v0.12.1
- #1176 Artwork/Logo added to the top of the README.
- #1172 Fix rpm build for release
- #1168 Update ClusterTask Tests from Test Builders to Structs
- #1177 tests: import pipeline internal builders
- #1182 Update PipelineResource Tests from Test Builders to Structs
- #1183 Remove release-note block indentation in PR template
Thanks ❤️
v0.12.0 Release 🎉
v0.12.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD Pipeline 0.15.2 and TektonCD Triggers 0.7.0.
Describe command enhancements include the ability to see Results and Workspaces for the following resources: Pipeline, Task, ClusterTask, PipelineRun, and TaskRun.
Enhancements to start commands include the ability to start ClusterTasks interactively through tkn clustertask start
(#1051), a --use-param-defaults
flag for tkn clustertask start
that uses param defaults if no value is declared through a --param
flag, and the ability to use a PodTemplate definition defined in a remote or local file with all start commands (#1088).
To help with issues around debugging EventListeners, an AVAILABLE
column has been added to tkn eventlistener list
to denote whether an EventListener has deployed successfully.
Please see all additional features and bug fixes in the notes below, and thank you to all contributors to v0.12.0.
ChangeLog 📋
Features ✨
- #1076 Display results in the output of task/taskrun describe command
- #1051 ClusterTask start interactive mode
- #1105 Display Results in the output of ClusterTask describe command
- #1088 Add Ability to Specify PodTemplate for TaskRun/PipelineRun
- #1110 Display results in the output of pipeline/pipelinerun describe command
- #1094 Add --use-param-defaults option for tkn clustertask start
- #1129 Bump pipeline dep to v0.15.2
- #1131 Bump triggers dep to v0.7.0
- #1121 Display workspaces in tkn task/clustertask/taskrun describe command
- #1109 Modify --use-param-defaults flag for
pipeline start
command and add e2e test - #1142 Display Workspaces in the output of pipeline/pipelinerun describe command
Fixes 🐛
- #1101 Add New Line for No ClusterTasks found Output
- #1124 Add Check for Timeout Status for PipelineRun and TaskRun Cancel
- #1117 Fix the display of 0 Value for Timeout with tkn tr/pr describe
- #1126 pkg/suggestions: print help and error out
- #1127 pkg/suggestions: no help on subcommand errors
- #1098 Add EventListener Status with tkn eventlistener list
- #1130 Consistent Error Messaging for Triggers Commands
- #1123 Throw error when deleting tr/pr with non-existing task/pipeline
- #1134 Copy Over PipelineRun and TaskRun Spec for --last and use run Options
- #1141 Refactor status formatting
- #1144 Refactor taskrun description
Misc 🔨
Thanks ❤️
v0.11.0 Release 🎉
TektonCD CLI 0.11.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD
Pipeline 0.14.2 and TektonCD Triggers 0.6.1 with support for finally task logs,
volumeClaimTemplate support with --workspace flag in start commands, support
for providing default params using --use-param-default flag with start
commands and many more along with bug fixes pipelinerun logs, describe
commands etc, incomplete log message in start commands
Along with this release, ppc64le arch binary release will also be available.
We have deprecated the --namespace flag with clustertask and clustertriggerbinding
which will be removed in next release.
Deprecation Notice ⚠️
- The
flag for all cluster-wide command has been marked deprecated. It will be removed in the next release.
ChangeLog 📋
Features ✨
#1014 Add support for embedded trigger binding to EventListener describe co…
#1010 Command Suggestion for Incorrect Subcommands
#1052 Add ppc64le to cross targets
#1049 Bump to tektoncd/pipeline v0.14.0
#1058 Bump to use tektoncd/triggers v0.6.0
#1059 Enables auto selection of task for describe
command if only one task is present
#1060 Bump to tektoncd/triggers v0.6.1
#1036 Add --use-param-defaults option for tkn task start
#1073 Bump to tektoncd/pipeline v0.14.2
#1066 Support VolumeClaimTemplates with --workspace for tkn start Commands
#1077 adds finally logs in pipelinerun
Fixes 🐛
#1028 fix go lint errors from 1.27 upgrade
#1026 Remove Namespace Validation from tkn
#1063 Fix pipelinerun logs error in case of running pipeline
#1071 panic when there are no TR/PR present in the namespace while using (--last) option with (describe)
#1022 Pass k8 context when printing the log command for the start commands
#1035 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources for User Facing Messages: ClusterTask
#1040 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources for User Facing Messages: PipelineRun
#1038 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources for User Facing Messages: Pipeline
#1024 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources for User Facing Messages: TaskRun
#1032 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources for User Facing Messages: Task
Misc 🔨
#1023 add clustertriggerbinding to useful commands docs
#1027 add bug, feature, and free form issue templates
#1012 Refactor v1beta1 unit tests
#0976 Add tkn interactive tests
#1041 Update the pull_request_template for release-note
#1075 Add the misspell linter, and fix some misspellings.
#1078 Add deadcode to golangci-lint
#1061 Add Workspaces in Release pipeline instead of PipelineResources
#1081 Update Version Param for golang-build Task
#1082 correct catalog task golangci lint path
#1043 Change kn to tkn in Feature Issue Template
#1064 dep: update to v0.3.3
Thanks ❤️
v0.10.0 Release 🎉
TektonCD CLI 0.10.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD
Pipeline 0.13.0 and TektonCD Triggers 0.5.0 with v1beta1 support for commands
and with backward compatibility for v1alpha1.
We have a new shiny new task start interactive 👨🏻🍳, improved the describe
commands 🏂 and provide an interactive prompt for Pipelineruns and Taskruns 🦸♀️
among other features, fixes and cleanups 🧜🏽♂️
Features ✨
- #987 Task start interactive mode
- #890 Provides an interactive Prompt to select a PipelineRun/TaskRun
- #935 Add Task start E2E tests
- #947 Improve get pipelines version func
- #981 Add triggers version info to the version command
- #962 Add Task timeout and params in Pipeline Desc
- #971 Add no-headers and all-namespaces flags for
resource list
- #960 Provides
option of thedescribe
of PipelineRun/TaskRun to describe the most recent PipelineRun/TaskRun - #991 Display conditions in the pipeline describe command
- #977 Modified TriggerTemplate describe command for ResourceTemplates
Fixes 🐛
- #793 Change clusterTask timeout from int to string and remove -t shorthand
- #952 Remove Default 1h for clustertask --timeout
- #954 Remove tkn create -f
- #964 fix task start with file
- #973 Fix triggerbinding and template
error messages - #993 Fix tkn task delete --trs deletes ClusterTaskrun also
- #1002 Add
flag intkn ct delete
command - #990 Fix --keep with TaskRun and PipelineRun Delete when Using --task or --pipeline Flags
- #1016 Fix Debian package having an incorrect package name
Miscs 🧹
- #953 Bump plumbing to recent master 👼
- #967 Update Readme with s390x build usage
- #975 Enable yaml lint
- #974 Refactoring for --all-namespace flag
- #961 Makefile changes for new skipCheckFlag
- #985 Switch to for Yaml Unmarshal
- #979 Restructure e2e Tests to Improve Organization
- #986 Fix 'Edit this page' and 'Create an issue' links on the website
- #996 Change Taskrun and PipelineRun Delete Test Names
- #989 Fix to provide error in case of no pr logs