v0.14.0 Release 🎉
v0.14.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD Pipeline 0.18.0, TektonCD Triggers 0.9.1 and K8s v0.18.9
This release of tkn
has integrated the Hub
commands, user can now get and search catalog. Logs command for EventListener
is also available now.
v0.14.0 have updated OSX instruction to install from the brew. It now has --all-namespaces
for all the list sub-commands user can now list a resource in all the namespaces. This also maintains consistency while referring tekton resource in user-facing messages.
Deprecation Notice ⚠️
- The -c shorthand for tkn version check is deprecated and will be removed in v0.15.0.
ChangeLog 📋
Features ✨
- #1196 Update OSX instruction to install from brew 🍻
- #1192 Add EventListener Logs Command
- #1198 Bump Knative/K8s dependencies
- #1189 Refactor PipelineRun and TaskRun Cancel Error Based on Condition Status
- #1203 Integrate Hub commands into tkn
- #1224 Change --nocolour to --no-color
- #1221 Updates Hub Dependency
- #1232 Deprecate -c Shorthand for tkn version --check
- #1225 Bump pipeline and triggers deps
- #1234 Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn triggerbinding list command
- #1236 Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn eventlistener list command
- #1235 Add --all-namespaces flag to TriggerTemplate List subcommand
- #1241 Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn condition list command
- #1244 Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertask list command
- #1243 Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertriggerbinding list command
- #1238 Make sure we target LTS for ubuntus
- #1251 bump pipleine dependency to v0.18.0
Fixes 🐛
- #1208 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: EventListener
- #1211 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: TriggerBinding
- #1210 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: ClusterTriggerBinding
- #1209 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: Condition
- #1213 Common Way of Referring to Tekton Resources in User Facing Messages: TriggerTemplate
- #1201 Avoid Use of Previous TaskRunSpecStatus and PipelineRunSpecStatus with Start Commands
- #1207 tkn pr describe failing in pr with conditions
- #1217 Fix Alignment of Usage
- #1227 Do Not Delete ClusterTask TaskRuns with --task Flag
- #1237 Fix APIversion not shown on describe commands
- #1245 fix function name typo
Misc 🔨
- #1194 Update README to v0.13.0
- #1197 Reorganize Release Process Docs and Add Details
- #1205 Remove Assertions to Help with Debugging EventListener e2e Failures
- #1215Update readme for 0.13.1 and fix lint task
- #1214 Fix unit test failures with go 1.15
- #1218 Document NO_COLOR and Edit README Headers
- #1249 Remove EventListener Log Output Assertion from e2e Tests
- #1252 Makefile: remove darwin/386 from cross target