This container runs a headless Spotify player that can be remote-controlled by any Spotify app. Audio is output to /dev/snd, so you need to make sure the docker container has access to it (see examples). This allows the host system to play back the audio using alsa, pulseaudio, forked-daapd (to Airplay), snapserver, etc.
This requires a Spotify premium account, but does not require a Spotify developer key or libspotify binary.
The process run is librespot, an open source client library for Spotify. This docker container image leverages the work from David Cooper.
- a raspberry pi (tested on RPi2)
- docker (install with
curl -sSL | sh
docker run -d --device=/dev/snd:/dev/snd --net=host svanscho/rpi-spotify
docker run -d --device=/dev/snd:/dev/snd --net=host -e SPOTIFY_NAME=docker-spotify svanscho/rpi-spotify
(you can set the name with --SPOTIFY_NAME)
If you want the container to always run (even when the RPi rebooted):
docker run -d --restart=always --name=rpi-spotify --device=/dev/snd:/dev/snd --net=host svanscho/rpi-spotify
(mind the --restart=always)