Log in automatically on ChromeOS startup using your password.
This simple program starts on ChromeOS boot and waits for the ChromeOS UI load. Once the ChromeOS login prompt shows, the program creates a virtual keyboard and helps you type the password automatically.
ChromeOS developer mode needs to be enabled first, see here for more information.
Run this in VT-2 console:
sudo bash -c "$(curl -L https://github.com/supechicken/ChromeOS-AutoLogin/raw/main/install.sh)"
Run this in VT-2 console:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/etc/cros-autologin /usr/local/bin/cros-autologin /etc/init/cros-autologin.conf
This project was written in Crystal, to build this you will need to install crystal
crystal build --progress --release --static src/autologin.cr
llvm-strip autologin
This project including all of its source files is released under the terms of GNU General Public License (version 3 or later).