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spikespaz committed Jul 6, 2020
1 parent 03d7349 commit 555cf62
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 154 deletions.
309 changes: 155 additions & 154 deletions source/common.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,115 +38,6 @@ enum string WIKI_URL = "";
/// URL of the wiki's thank-you page.
enum string WIKI_THANKS_URL = WIKI_URL ~ "/Thanks-for-using-Search-Deflector!";

/// Create an error dialog from the given exception
void createErrorDialog(const Throwable error, HWND hWnd = null) nothrow {
// dfmt off
try {
const uint messageId = MessageBox(hWnd,
"Search Deflector launch failed. Would you like to open the issues page to submit a bug report?" ~
"\nThe important information will be filled out for you." ~
"\n\nIf you do not wish to create a bug report, click 'No' to exit.",
"Search Deflector", MB_ICONERROR | MB_YESNO);

if (messageId == IDYES)
browse("" ~
} catch (Throwable) { // @suppress(dscanner.suspicious.catch_em_all)
// dfmt on

/// Create a warning dialog with given message content
void createWarningDialog(const string message, HWND hWnd = null) nothrow {
try {
debug writeln(message);

MessageBox(hWnd, message.toUTF16z, "Search Deflector", MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
} catch (Throwable error) // @suppress(dscanner.suspicious.catch_em_all)


/// Creates a GitHub issue body with the data from an Exception.
string createIssueMessage(const Throwable error) {
auto winVer = WindowsVersion.get();

// dfmt off
return ISSUE_TEMPLATE.strip().formatString([
"errorFile": error.file,
"errorMessage": error.message,
"browserName": "",
"browserPath": DeflectorSettings.browserPath,
"profileName": DeflectorSettings.profileName,
"engineName": "",
"engineUrl": DeflectorSettings.engineURL,
"queryString": "",
"queryUrl": "",
"windowsRelease": winVer.release,
"windowsEdition": winVer.edition,
"insidersPreview": ""
// dfmt on

/// Return a string array of arguments that are parsed in ArgV style from a string.
string[] getConsoleArgs(const wchar* commandLine = GetCommandLineW()) {
int argCount;
wchar** argList = CommandLineToArgvW(commandLine, &argCount);
string[] args;

for (int index; index < argCount; index++)
args ~= argList[index].to!string();

return args;

/// Escape a command line argument according to the reference:
string escapeShellArg(const string argument, bool force) {
if (argument.length == 0)
return "";

if (!force && argument.indexOfAny(" \t\n\v\"") == -1)
return argument;

string escapedArg = "\"";

for (uint pos = 0; pos < argument.length; pos++) {
uint backslashCount = 0;

while (pos != argument.length && argument[pos] == '\\') {

if (pos == argument.length) {
escapedArg ~= '\\'.repeat(backslashCount * 2).to!string();
} else if (argument[pos] == '"')
escapedArg ~= '\\'.repeat(backslashCount * 2 + 1).to!string() ~ '"';
escapedArg ~= '\\'.repeat(backslashCount).to!string() ~ argument[pos];

escapedArg ~= '"';

return escapedArg;

/// Function to create a string from arguments that is properly escaped.
string escapeShellArgs(const string[] arguments) {
string commandLine;

foreach(string argument; arguments)
commandLine ~= ' ' ~ escapeShellArg(argument, false);

return commandLine;

/// Struct representing the settings to use for deflection.
static struct DeflectorSettings {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,45 +180,6 @@ string[string] parseConfig(const string config) {
return data;

/// Try to fetch the engine presets from the repository, if it fails, read from local.
string[string] getEnginePresets() {
string[string] engines = parseConfig(readText(buildPath(thisExePath().dirName(), "engines.txt")));

engines = mergeAAs(engines, parseConfig(get(ENGINE_TEMPLATES_URL).idup)); // Get the string of the resource content.
catch (CurlException) {

return engines;

/// Constructs all browser arguments from a DeflectorSettings object.
string getBrowserArgs() {
string[] browserArgs;

const bool isChrome = DeflectorSettings.browserPath.endsWith("chrome.exe");
const bool isFirefox = DeflectorSettings.browserPath.endsWith("firefox.exe");

if (DeflectorSettings.useProfile) {
if (isChrome)
browserArgs ~= "--profile-directory=" ~ escapeShellArg(DeflectorSettings.profileName, false);
else if (isFirefox)
browserArgs ~= ["-P", escapeShellArg(DeflectorSettings.profileName, false)];

return browserArgs.join(' ');

/// Merge two associative arrays, updating existing values in "baseAA" with new ones from "updateAA".
T[K] mergeAAs(T, K)(T[K] baseAA, T[K] updateAA) {
T[K] newAA = baseAA;

foreach (key; updateAA.byKey())
newAA[key] = updateAA[key];

return newAA;

/// Open a URL by spawning a shell process to the browser executable, or system default.
void openUri(const string browserPath, const string args, const string url) {
string execPath;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,14 +220,143 @@ void openUri(const string browserPath, const string args, const string url) {

/// Format a string by replacing each key with a value in replacements.
S formatString(S)(const S input, const S[S] replacements) {
S output = input;
/// Create an error dialog from the given exception
void createErrorDialog(const Throwable error, HWND hWnd = null) nothrow {
// dfmt off
try {
const uint messageId = MessageBox(hWnd,
"Search Deflector launch failed. Would you like to open the issues page to submit a bug report?" ~
"\nThe important information will be filled out for you." ~
"\n\nIf you do not wish to create a bug report, click 'No' to exit.",
"Search Deflector", MB_ICONERROR | MB_YESNO);

foreach (variable; replacements.byKeyValue())
output = output.replace("{{" ~ variable.key ~ "}}", variable.value);
if (messageId == IDYES)
browse("" ~
} catch (Throwable) { // @suppress(dscanner.suspicious.catch_em_all)
// dfmt on

return output;
/// Create a warning dialog with given message content
void createWarningDialog(const string message, HWND hWnd = null) nothrow {
try {
debug writeln(message);

MessageBox(hWnd, message.toUTF16z, "Search Deflector", MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
} catch (Throwable error) // @suppress(dscanner.suspicious.catch_em_all)


/// Creates a GitHub issue body with the data from an Exception.
string createIssueMessage(const Throwable error) {
auto winVer = WindowsVersion.get();

// dfmt off
return ISSUE_TEMPLATE.strip().formatString([
"errorFile": error.file,
"errorMessage": error.message,
"browserName": "",
"browserPath": DeflectorSettings.browserPath,
"profileName": DeflectorSettings.profileName,
"engineName": "",
"engineUrl": DeflectorSettings.engineURL,
"queryString": "",
"queryUrl": "",
"windowsRelease": winVer.release,
"windowsEdition": winVer.edition,
"insidersPreview": ""
// dfmt on

/// Return a string array of arguments that are parsed in ArgV style from a string.
string[] getConsoleArgs(const wchar* commandLine = GetCommandLineW()) {
int argCount;
wchar** argList = CommandLineToArgvW(commandLine, &argCount);
string[] args;

for (int index; index < argCount; index++)
args ~= argList[index].to!string();

return args;

/// Escape a command line argument according to the reference:
string escapeShellArg(const string argument, bool force) {
if (argument.length == 0)
return "";

if (!force && argument.indexOfAny(" \t\n\v\"") == -1)
return argument;

string escapedArg = "\"";

for (uint pos = 0; pos < argument.length; pos++) {
uint backslashCount = 0;

while (pos != argument.length && argument[pos] == '\\') {

if (pos == argument.length) {
escapedArg ~= '\\'.repeat(backslashCount * 2).to!string();
} else if (argument[pos] == '"')
escapedArg ~= '\\'.repeat(backslashCount * 2 + 1).to!string() ~ '"';
escapedArg ~= '\\'.repeat(backslashCount).to!string() ~ argument[pos];

escapedArg ~= '"';

return escapedArg;

/// Function to create a string from arguments that is properly escaped.
string escapeShellArgs(const string[] arguments) {
string commandLine;

foreach(string argument; arguments)
commandLine ~= ' ' ~ escapeShellArg(argument, false);

return commandLine;

/// Constructs all browser arguments from a DeflectorSettings object.
string getBrowserArgs() {
string[] browserArgs;

const bool isChrome = DeflectorSettings.browserPath.endsWith("chrome.exe");
const bool isFirefox = DeflectorSettings.browserPath.endsWith("firefox.exe");

if (DeflectorSettings.useProfile) {
if (isChrome)
browserArgs ~= "--profile-directory=" ~ escapeShellArg(DeflectorSettings.profileName, false);
else if (isFirefox)
browserArgs ~= ["-P", escapeShellArg(DeflectorSettings.profileName, false)];

return browserArgs.join(' ');

/// Try to fetch the engine presets from the repository, if it fails, read from local.
string[string] getEnginePresets() {
string[string] engines = parseConfig(readText(buildPath(thisExePath().dirName(), "engines.txt")));

engines = mergeAAs(engines, parseConfig(get(ENGINE_TEMPLATES_URL).idup)); // Get the string of the resource content.
catch (CurlException) {

return engines;

/// Fetch a list of available browsers from the Windows registry along with their paths.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,6 +443,26 @@ string nameFromUrl(const string[string] engines, const string url) {
return "Custom";

/// Format a string by replacing each key with a value in replacements.
S formatString(S)(const S input, const S[S] replacements) {
S output = input;

foreach (variable; replacements.byKeyValue())
output = output.replace("{{" ~ variable.key ~ "}}", variable.value);

return output;

/// Merge two associative arrays, updating existing values in "baseAA" with new ones from "updateAA".
T[K] mergeAAs(T, K)(T[K] baseAA, T[K] updateAA) {
T[K] newAA = baseAA;

foreach (key; updateAA.byKey())
newAA[key] = updateAA[key];

return newAA;

/// Null comparison
bool isNull(T)(T value) if (is(T == class) || isPointer!T) {
return value is null;
Expand Down

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