Apple Health and Google Fit for your .NET7+ .NET Mobile apps
- Read summary values between timestamps and specified interval
- Query distance, step count, calory intake, & heart rate
- TODO: Write values
IHealthService health; // inject, resolve, etc
// request permissions
var result = await health.RequestPermission(
new Permission(DistanceHealthMetric.Default, PermissionType.Read),
new Permission(CaloriesHealthMetric.Default, PermissionType.Read),
new Permission(StepCountHealthMetric.Default, PermissionType.Read),
new Permission(HeartRateHealthMetric.Default, PermissionType.Read)
if (!result)
// say something useful
var end = DateTimeOffset.Now;
var start = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(-1);
// now run your queries
var distance = (await health.Query(DistanceHealthMetric.Default, start, end, Interval.Days)).Sum(x => x.Value);
var calories = (await health.Query(CaloriesHealthMetric.Default, start, end, Interval.Days)).Sum(x => x.Value);
var steps = (await health.Query(StepCountHealthMetric.Default, start, end, Interval.Days)).Sum(x => x.Value);
var heartRate = (await health.Query(HeartRateHealthMetric.Default, start, end, Interval.Days)).Average(x => x.Value);
The fastest way to get going in a new application is to use our community dotnet template. Just run
dotnet new install Shiny.Templates
Now, in your MauiProgram.cs, add:
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
var builder = MauiApp
.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
return builder.Build();
To use iOS (and therefore the sample), you need to have a provisioning profile with all of the necessary Apple Health setup for your application.
Take a look at the Xamarin docs for more info
Add the following:
<string>We need to say something useful here</string>
<string>We need to say something useful here</string>
<true />
<true />
To Test Locally:
- You have added your x to your Project's configuration setting on Google or Firebase Account.
- Downloaded and added google-services.json to your android project after adding the debug SHA1 key in your account.
- Package name (on Firebase account) and Application Id (on android) must be same .. Android's package name might be different, no problems with that.
** **
- Sign Up at
- Under "Enabled APIs and services", search for "Fitness API"
- After selecting "Fitness API" - enable the service
- Now go to Firebase and add your project created in step 1
- When creating your app, you need to ensure that your android app package name matches between firebase, cloud console, & androidmanifest.xml
- You will need to add your debug SHA-1 debug key using
keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore Password is 'android'
- Download the google-services.json
- Copy/paste file into your MAUI app at Platforms/Android and alter your csproj to the following
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-android'">
<GoogleServicesJson Include="Platforms\Android\google-services.json" />
The following entry is needed for step data
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"/>