- Data Binding Library (MVVM)
- Android Flux
- FragNav (Manage multiple stacks with Bottom Navigation or Navigation Drawer)
- RxJava
- RxAndroid
- RxJava2Extensions
- RxJava2Interop (Convert between RxJava 1.x and 2.x reactive types)
- RxLifecycle
- RxBinding
- Retrofit 2 RxJava 2 Adapter
- RxJavaProGuardRules (Only RxJava 1 required)
- Alerter (This library aims to overcome the limitations of Toasts and Snackbars, while reducing the complexity of your layouts.)
- Orhanobut Logger (Pretty-print logger)
- Timber
- Hugo (Method call logging for debug builds)
- Leakcanary (Memory leak detection)
- Android Performance Monitor
- Pury (App Profiler)
- Scalpel (Uncover UI layers)
- Android Debug Database (Debugging android databases and shared preferences)
- ProcessPhoenix (Restart app)