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probably😗 real-time pitch shifting and formant adjustment by rubberband library


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if i can build my own real-time pitch shifting and formant adjustment app, likes koigoe?


  • only support r3 engine --fine,
  • the beahviors of realtime and ignore clipping were modified for my own usage
  • formant option with semitones adjustment, eg:--formant 4
  • add list device option shows available audio devices, eg:--list-device
  • add input gain db option for my poor input device, eg:--input-gain 4
  • add gui option with opengl window via imgui, eg:--gui


these courses really helped my coarse understanding about how it works, but seems unvisible now,

just googling overlap add algorithm and fft convolution, or ask chat gpt?

impl refs


c++ implementation:

python implementation:

JUCE vst plugin: repo:

audio-processing.sln for windows env

  • NOTE: windows is not ideal dev env for rubberband project... lots of env pre-setting
  • git pull rubberband into parent of this repo folder, using meson and ninja to compile rubberband library
    • refer to build_rubberband_cl_x64.bat
  • sndfile release files into this repo folder
  • glfw env for imgui for gui function
  • murmur... hate to build dev env
-- formant-pitch-playground
|- formant-pitch-playground/audio-processing.sln
|- formant-pitch-playground/libsndfile-1.2.0/
|- formant-pitch-playground/libsndfile-1.2.0/win32/include
|- formant-pitch-playground/libsndfile-1.2.0/win64/include
|- rubberband/
|- rubberband/otherbuilds
|- portaudio/
|- portaudio/build/msvc
|- vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/
|- vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/include
|- vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/lib
|- ...

rubberband r3 stretcher code trace

stretcher class initialization

  • Create, to r2 or r3 Impl depends on options, and ctor with options (we only focus on r3)
    • ctor m_limits with given options and sample rate
      • note the round up number is power of 2 which equal-larger than the divided value
      • min out hop = sample rate / 512, max out hop = sample rate / 128, min to max is [128-512]
      • min in hop = 1, max in hop = sample rate / 32 (readahead = sample rate / 64), min to max is [1-2048(1024)]
      • if set options windowshort, See note in calculateHop
    • ctor atomic time ratio, pitch scale and formant scale
    • ctor m_guide with given sample rate and windowing mode as its own parameters, for fftband, phaselockband,
      • classification fft size will be rounded up(power of 2 equal-larger) number of sample rate / 32
        • eg, 48k / 32 = 1500, the round up number is 2048
      • single window mode: a fixed fft size from classification, half of sample rate as band limit (nyquist criterion)
        • about nyquist frequency:
          • based on nyquist-shannon sampling theorem, the sample rate must be twice higher than the maximum frequency
          • eg, for audible frequency(20 kHz) must uses 44.1k or 48k sample rate to satisfy analog signal sampling to digital data
          • the nyquist frequency is half of sample rate, which means will equal to or higher than the audible frequency, also referred to folding frequency or nyquist limit
      • multi window mode: 3 fft sizes by, classification * 2, classification and classification / 2
        • 3 band limits by, 0 to max lower(1100Hz), 0 to nyquist and min higher(4000Hz) to nyquist
        • note the ordering between fft sizes and band limits I wrote
      • set guidance configurations based on previous values
      • note the vaiables of m_guide are relavant to m_limits too
    • ctor channel assembly vectors by given channel number
    • ctor rest of parameters, use readahead, inhop and prev in/out hops
  • R3Stretcher initialise followed with ctor
    • classifer frequency is half of sample rate and higher than 16k
    • classifer bins is classification fft size(2048) * classifier rate(2.0 by classifer freq / sample rate)
    • ctor bin segmenter with given bin count and filter length 18 (for bin frequency range calculation? TODO)
    • ctor bin classifier parameters with given bin count and constant values(? TODO)
    • init channel data struct (lots of code, TODO)
    • init scale data struct with fft scales[3] from m_guide band limits:
      • [0] is classification fft size / 2 (eg, 1024),
      • [1] is classification fft size (def block size, 2048),
      • [2] is classification fft size * 2 (eg, 4096)
    • init resampler for realtime option, api from 3rd party lib or built-in class
    • calc processing in hop size by m_limits and estimated output effect by pitch/ratio/formant changes

stretcher preparation

  • maxProcessSize
    • cannot larger than m_limits.overallMaxProcessSize (default 524288)
    • ensure m_channelData cd->inbuf size n2, cd->outbuf size n8
  • set FormantScale
    • formant scale for input fft factor changes based on the output fft
    • time ratio or pitch shift also affact the formant scale on frequency bins, that need to multiply the pitch(frequency) adjustment
    • refer to analyseFormant(mainly) and pre/post resampling

stretcher -> process() given buf[c][i] 2d array

  • check if inputs need resampling, and loop samples length to write m_channelData(cd) -> inbuf
    • check areWeResampling() for inputs pre-resampling, which following:
      • resampler is implemented and:
        • lower frequency or smaller pitch scale(lower pitch) with option set pitch high quality
        • higher frequency or higher pitch scale(higher pitch) without option set pitch high quality
        • realtime and high consistency will ignore pre-resampling
        • pitch changes also envolved the frequency scaling whether frequency shifts and duration adjustments, which means: in time-domain, resampling to higher frequency will result less frames(samples) from origin and conversely to lower frequency, to keep specific duration with the same sample rate,
    • loop inputs for prepareInput() calc l/r/m/s and store to m_channelAssembly.input[c]
    • (if pre-resampling enabled)
      • calls resampler resulting to m_channelAssembly.resampled[c] (ptr assigned by>resampled)
    • write to ring buffer m_channelData[c]->inbuf from m_channelAssembly.input[c] or m_channelAssembly.resampled[c]
  • consume()
    • check areWeResampling for output post-resampling, for further usage in end of consume()
    • apply time ratio given in hop size to calculate out hop size via calculateSingle()
      • interleave channels signal from in[c][i] to dst[idx] in lr pattern for resampler
    • loop m_channelData(cd)->inbuf to inputs consumption
    • check cd->inbuf is enough for in hop fft window size via getWindowSourceSize()
    • analysisChannel()
      • read cd->inbuf to cd->windowSource
      • multiply unwindowed input frames to each cd->scales time domain data, except classification scale
        • TODO: check configuration for longest/shortest/classification fft sizes
        • graph for scales time domain dataset with longest fft size:
        FFT scales:                                               longest FFT size
        scale1       |----------------------|--------------|--------------|
                                   scale size        offset1
        scale2       |------------------------------|----------|----------|
                                              scale size    offset2
        windowSource |----------|----|------------------------------------>
                   buf*   +offset2  +offset1
        scale timeDomain:
        data1                        |---------------------|
        (multiply buf+offset1)
        data2                   |------------------------------|
        (multiply buf+offset2)
      • classification scale uses given inhop, and own cd->readahead(begins from buf+offset+inhop) instead of scale timeDomain data
      • fft shift, fft forward (to scale's timeDomain or classify readahead) and catesian-polar convert for each scales
        • fft shift swaps second half and first half time domain signals data
        • given time domain data calls fft real to complex to get real (scale->rea) and imaginary (scale->imag) data
        • convert output cartesian(x,y) data to polar(r,theta) data
          • magnitude = sqrt(real * real + imag * imag)
          • phase = atan2(imag, real)
        • normalize scale->mag by fft size
      • analyseFormant()
      • adjustFormant()
        • calculate target factor to each scales by formant fft size, target factor= formant fft size/scale fft size
        • apply formant by calculated source factor, source factor= target factor/formant scale (note pitch shifting also affact formant scale)
        • corresponding band is defined from guide ctor by windowed fft scales and nyquist
        • based on cd->scales->fft size is band fft size, get source and target envelope value at(i * factor)
        • multiply magnitue scale->mag by ratio (source/target envelope)
      • use classification scale to get bin segmentation
        • copy cd->nextClassification(may contains previous magnitude data) to current classification
        • classify current magnitude data to cd->nextClasification
          • TODO: check classify func in bin classifer class
        • swap cd->prevSegmentation, current and next segmentations
      • update above analysis parameters to cd->guidance
        • TODO: check updateGuidance func in guide class
      • analysisChannel() end
    • Phase update across all channels:
      • store all channels data to m_channelAssembly (iterated by scales)
      • scale->guided.advance() to m_channelAssembly.outPhase(the ptr is assigned by scale->advancedPhase)
        • TODO: check advance in GuidedPhaseAdvance
        • princarg = principal argument, phase(angle) normalization between -pi to pi
    • Resynthesis: TODO synthesiseChannel()
    • Resample: post-resampling: TODO
    • Emit: TODO
    • consume end

stretcher -> available() -> retrieve()

  • TODO:

rubberband dependencies(for windoiws env)

For windows env, rubberband must be rebuild with 3rd party FFT for better performence results

Can use vcpkg+msvc or cygwin to install/compile unix-like dependencies, and passing include/lib paths for meson build via pkgconf

vcpkg -> pkgconf -> meson

  • git pull vcpkg source from github
  • add PATH with C:\path\to\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe (for cli/script usage)
  • add VCPKG_ROOT with C:\path\to\vcpkg (for visual studio/cmake project dependency)
  • install pkgconf in vcpkg, >vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows pkgconf
  • assign pkgconfig to meson build for the dependencies if cmake not found
    • passing argument with -Dpkg_config_path=/path/to/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/lib/pkgconfig
    • (alt) add project's default options with 'pkg_config_path=/path/to/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/lib/pkgconfig'
  • add PATH with C:\path\to\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\pkgconf\pkgconf.exe
  • NOTE: if cygwin installed, notes the conflict between pkgconf from vcpkg and /c/cygwin64/bin/pkgconf
  • set PKG_CONFIG=C:\path\to\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\pkgconf\pkgconf.exe
  • refer to
  • install fftw, libsamplerate, etc via vcpkg
  • run meson build command by msvc cross tools command prompt(current use vs2022)
> meson setup build --wipe -Dprefix=C:\path\to\cwd -Dpkg_config_path=C:\path\to\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib\pkgconfig -Dextra_include_dirs=C:\path\to\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include -Dextra_lib_dirs=C:\path\to\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib -Dfft=fftw -Dresampler=libsamplerate
  • refer to build_rubberband_cl_x64.bat
  • has been set NOMINMAX to ignore windows.h default min/max macro, so need stl lib for min/max(i choose rubberband\RubberBandStretcher.h)
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #include <algorithm>

manually src(not recommanded)

alternatively download source code and compile manually as below: I believe it would be much easier in unix-like env... for the further dependencies

manually add reference paths and preprocessor definitions to msvc vcxproj, still has unresolve issues, try to use cygwin instead...

py version

  • locate at py folder, using python v3.10.12 for dev env on my macos m1
  • py/requirements.txt

Mac M1 version

  • refer to .vscode folder

  • gui function: -glfw/osx opengl framework: TODO, not ready, need update compiler options

  • for rubberband functions, fetch github source code on parent folder for its profiler namespace(for logger or something)

  • but still using homebrew installed rubberband libraries for compiling linker

  • brew install: rubberband, libsndfile, portaudio

  • for vscode c/c++ extension:

    • /opt/homebrew/include
    • /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/xxxx
  • for vscode compiling task:

    • -I/opt/homebrew/include
    • -I<path_to_rubberband_repo>/<for_profiler_src>
    • -L/opt/homebrew/lib
    • -lrubberband -lsndfile -lportaudio (for libxxxxx.dylib)
  • for arm64 debugger tool, try lldb instead of gdb

  • c macro for mac/m1:

    • > gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null | egrep -i 'os_|mac|apple'
    • #ifdef __arm64__
    • #include "TargetConditionals.h" then use macro TARGET_xxx from obj-c example
  • dylib linker and dev tools board

for Bela dev board, can refer to NE10 library for data manipulation

from gpt

how to use ne10 library implement TD-POSLA for pitch and formant adjustment

To implement TD-POSLA (Time Domain Pitch-Synchronous OverLap and Add) for pitch and formant adjustment using the NE10 library, you would need to follow these general steps:

Setup NE10 library: Start by downloading and setting up the NE10 library in your project. Make sure you have the necessary dependencies and header files properly included.

Preprocessing: Read the audio signal that you want to modify for pitch and formant adjustment. Perform any necessary preprocessing steps, such as resampling or windowing, to prepare the signal for processing.

Pitch analysis: Use a pitch analysis algorithm (e.g., autocorrelation, cepstral analysis, or harmonic product spectrum) to estimate the pitch period or fundamental frequency of the signal. This step helps in determining the pitch adjustment factor.

Formant analysis: Employ a formant analysis algorithm (e.g., linear predictive coding) to extract the formant frequencies and bandwidths from the signal. This step aids in determining the formant adjustment factors.

Time Domain Pitch-Synchronous OverLap and Add (TD-POSLA): Apply the TD-POSLA algorithm to modify the pitch and formants of the signal. The TD-POSLA algorithm involves the following steps:

a. Determine the desired pitch adjustment factor based on the target pitch and the estimated pitch from step 3.

b. Determine the desired formant adjustment factors based on the target formant frequencies and bandwidths and the estimated formant information from step 4.

c. Divide the input signal into overlapping frames.

d. For each frame:

i. Adjust the pitch of the frame by modifying its length according to the pitch adjustment factor.

ii. Adjust the formants of the frame by modifying the frequencies and bandwidths based on the formant adjustment factors.

iii. Overlap and add the modified frame to reconstruct the output signal.

e. Repeat step 5d for each frame until the entire input signal is processed.

Post-processing: Apply any necessary post-processing steps, such as windowing or normalization, to the modified signal to ensure a smooth transition between frames and an appropriate amplitude range.

Output: Save the modified signal to a file or use it for further processing or analysis.

It's important to note that implementing TD-POSLA for pitch and formant adjustment using the NE10 library requires a good understanding of digital signal processing concepts, including pitch and formant analysis techniques. Additionally, you may need to consult the NE10 library documentation and examples to understand the specific functions and data structures available for audio signal processing in the library.


probably😗 real-time pitch shifting and formant adjustment by rubberband library








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