This section serves as the title and introduction to the repository. It states that the repository contains implementations of data structures, algorithms, and basic C++ concepts.
This section provides a structured list of the folders and topics covered in the repository. In all the sub folders leetcode questions are also included topic wise.
This folder contains coding problems and their solution related to 2D arrays.
This folder covers various concepts and problems related to arrays.
This section focuses on Armstrong numbers.
This folder includes implementations of backtracking algorithms and some leetcode questions of bactracking.
Covers fundamental concepts in C++.
Code related to conversions between binary, decimal, and octal numbers.
Implementations related to Fibonacci and Factorial computations.
Examples of functions in C++.
Implementation of the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using Euclid's Algorithm.
Concepts related to inclusive and exclusive ranges.
Algorithm for finding the maximum subarray sum (Kadane's algorithm).
Implementation of linked lists and some important questions from leetcode.
Concepts and examples related to Object-Oriented Programming in C++.
Code for finding pairs with a specific sum in an array.
Examples of patterns using loops.
Concepts and examples related to pointers in C++.
Code related to prime numbers.
Examples and some leetcode problems of recursive functions.
Algorithms for searching elements in an array.
Algorithms for sorting elements in an array.
Implementation of stack and queue data structures.
Concepts and examples related to string manipulation.
Code related to subarrays in arrays.
Concepts and examples related to vectors and pairs in C++.
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