This module contains the resources and functions that are used for account authentication. Migrated from the account module for simplyfying the account module.
- Resource
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
use 0x1::signer;
use 0x1::vector;
use 0x2::account;
use 0x2::features;
use 0x3::auth_validator;
use 0x3::auth_validator_registry;
A resource that holds the auth validator ids for this account has installed.
struct InstalledAuthValidator has key
The authentication validator is already installed
const ErrorAuthValidatorAlreadyInstalled: u64 = 1;
Return if the authentication validator is installed for the account at account_addr
public fun is_auth_validator_installed(account_addr: address, auth_validator_id: u64): bool
public fun install_auth_validator<ValidatorType: store>(account_signer: &signer)
public entry fun install_auth_validator_entry<ValidatorType: store>(account_signer: &signer)