My personal (public) project to share tools and tips about Data Science and Python
- Critical Thinking (like every scientist)
- Python, R, Julia (at least intermediate level), some C or C++
- Statistics
- Linear Algebra
- Differential Equations
- Creativity
- Good Learning Techniques
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Big Data Analysis (Spark, Map-Reduce principle, Ray)
- ETL Pipeline + DataSet generation
- or two topic to specialize your skills (i.e. Autonomous Driving, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Finance)
- Simple Reinforcement Learning (or other online learning system)
- Q-Table
- Deep Q-Learning (Experience Replay)
- GUI basics (QT, ImGUI, ...)
- Physical Simulations
- BioInformatics
- Effective Data Visualizations (Seaborn, DataViz, ...)
- One simple and effective tool to improve Computer Vision accuracy (No Flatten Information etc...) like this
- Explainable AI
- Edge AI (TinyML, Raspberry, ...)
- Transformers (NLP and Text-to-Image)
- Visual
- Stable Diffusion
- Mistral
- Business Process Automation (PowerBI, Zapier, etc...)
- RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)
- Finance
- Stock Prediction
- Risk Analysis
- Portfolio Management
- Physics
- New Materials
- Simulations