The Bpod Stepper Module enables virtually noiseless operation of a stepper motor by combining smooth acceleration profiles with a SilentStepStick driver. You can use it either as a module for Bpod state machine r2 or as a stand-alone USB device.
Please refer to the wiki for documentation.
- Concept & firmware by Florian Rau and Josh Sanders
- PCB layout by Christopher Schultz, Josh Sanders and Florian Rau
- PCB layout partially based on:
- Bpod Teensy Shield by Sanworks (GPL v3)
- SilentStepStick Protector by Watterott (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Library dependencies:
- ArCOM by Sanworks (GPL v3)
- TeensyStep by luni64 (MIT)
- TMCStepper by teemuatlut (MIT)
- Teensy3x_QuadDecode by TLB (MIT)