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Hilmar Lapp edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 117 revisions
Name GitHub ID Institution Interests & Skills
Anne Thessen ORCID diatomsRcool Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship machine learning, semantic traits, analysis of large data sets, text mining
Annika Smith Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida floral evolution, computable phenotypes, plant ontologies, phylogenies
Austin Meier ORCID austinmeier Oregon State University Remote sensing, IoT, automated phenotyping, image analysis, ontologies and data standards.
Ben Redelings bredelings Duke University, Ronin Institute OpenTree
Claus Weiland ORCID cp-weiland Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute (S-BIKF) Flora Phenotype Ontology, plant trait semantics, machine learning of multi-modal plant data
Emily Jane McTavish ORCID snacktavish UC Merced phylogenetics using genomic data, automated phylogenetic updating, Open Tree of Life
Ethan Smith ethansmith Biomimicry Institute Bio-inspired design, innovation, ux, frontend design/development
Gaurav Vaidya ORCID gaurav University of Colorado Boulder; Florida Museum of Natural History Phyloreferencing, Wikipedia, concept taxonomy, taxonomic checklists
Guanyang Zhang ORCID gZhang2 Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida Phyloreferencing, insect systematics, bacterial endosymbionts, comparative biology
Hilmar Lapp ORCID hlapp Duke University Phenoscape, computable semantics for analysis of trait evolution (SCATE), APIs, RPhenoscape, Phyloreferencing, machine reasoning
István Mikó ORCID teleaslamellatus Pennsylvania State University curator of the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology, insect morphology, insect taxonomy, phylogenetics, functional genomics, microscopy "Know your insect"
Jim Balhoff ORCID RENCI - UNC Chapel Hill Phenoscape developer, semantic tools for Monarch Initiative & Gene Ontology, semantic traits, ontology development tools, machine reasoning
Josef Uyeda Virginia Tech Phylogenetic comparative methods development and trait evolution. Interested in developing comparative methods that can use phenotypic ontologies to improve inferences.
Julie Baker Phillips Cumberland University using public data repositories to address research questions in evolutionary medicine, interested in creating teaching modules primarily for use in undergraduate classrooms
Laurel Cooper ORCID cooperl09 Oregon State University Planteome Project, plant ontologies, phenotypes, traits, morphology, data standards
Lorena Endara ORCID clendara Department of Biology - University of Florida phenotypic traits, character evolution, systematics, phylogenetics, orchids, flagellate plants, Natural Language Processing
Marjan Sadeghi MarjanSadeghi8 Florida State University I am interested in Scientific Computing, Phylogenetics, and Neural Networks.
Mark Holder ORCID mtholder Univ. Kansas OpenTree
Martha Kandziora ORCID blubbundbla UC Merced - School of Natural Science historical biogeography, phylogenetics, using public databases for evolutionary research
Matt Collins U. Florida & iDigBio, Gainesville computing infrastructure like Spark, data mining of large datasets, workforce development
Matt Yoder ORCID mjy University of Illinois, INHS, Species File Group Biodiversity informatics. Anatomy ontologies. TaxonWorks. Github. Twitter. Hymenoptera systematics.
Pasan Fernando ORCID Department of Biology, University of South Dakota Integration of Phenoscape data with Open Tree phylogenies, Large-scale integration of ontology data, Machine learning.
Scott Chamberlain ORCID sckott rOpenSci software (esp. R, Python, Ruby), web APIs
Sergei Tarasov ORCID Nat. Inst. for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), Univ. of Tennessee integration of ontologies and phylogenetic methods, semantic descriptions, insect systematics
Todd Vision ORCID tjv UNC Chapel Hill Connecting evolutionary phenotypes to phylogenetic and genomic resources
Wasila Dahdul ORCID wdahdul U. South Dakota Phenoscape, SCATE, phenotype ontologies, data curation, vertebrate morphology and evolution
Zhiliang Hu Iowa State University Developer of Animal QTLdb and CorrDB; Interested in web tools for trait ontology developments, user-end data scrutinizations; and management of trait hierarchies with modifiers.
Rebecca Tarvin ORCID rdtarvin University of Texas at Austin evolutionary biology, scicomm, biocomputing

Organizers are in bold. Melissa Haendel ORCID (OHSU) is a co-organizer, but unable to attend in person.

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