This is a project that I got working with xdebug locally.
Here is a brief overview of the steps that I took:
Install php 8.3, as this is the latest php version that is compatible with the latest version of xdebug and the latest Laravel version (nothing for php 8.4 yet).
Update composer and the laravel installer (haven't updated my local things in a while!), as well as use the latest stable version of node.
Install pecl as well as a few other requirements that were listed on the xdebug website. This was said to be the best way to install xdebug.
Add some lines at the end of my /etc/php/8.3/cli/php.ini file pertaining to xdebug.
Set up the new Laravel project- generate the application key, run the migrations, install npm and composer dependencies.
Go into VSCode and select the debugger from the command console. From here, set up the launch.json file.
Actually set a breakpoint on my application and refresh localhost in the browser.
At this point debugging works! You can see the value of a variable at different times in the execution of the code! Absolutely incredible!
Side notes: updated the project to require php 8.3 or higher. This should actually be JUST php 8.3, since php 8.4 probably won't work well with xdebug.
Getting closer to a real-world example, additional networking configuration will be required. Sail will probably abstract out a lot of the above steps.