Technologies/Libraries Used,
- Laravel
- Vuejs
- Vuerouter
- Pusher
- Json Web Tokens
- Vuetify
- clone Project
- run
composer install
- run the command
cp .env.example .env
- run the command
php artisan key:generate
- run the command
npm install
- set up your database
- run the migrations and seeders
php artisan migrate:dbseed
- set pusher account, and then change .env files with the neccessary keys.
-Take note of the .env file (It contains the neccessary environmental configurations, eg PUSHER_APP_ID, PUSHER_APP_KEY, PUSHER_APP_SECRET, PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER)
Hence ensure that you register and create a new app on pusher to get your pusher details
-start the server, php artisan serve
-Ensure to start your queue workers as broadcasting uses database queue driver, run the command php artisan queue:work
-npm run watch
See Video Demo.
Fork the repo, clone your fork,checkout feature branch, make changes, commit and send a PR. Please do well to Star the project, thank you.
Write tests