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NetSoakTest Project


NetSoakTest is an O3DE sample project used to stress test the AzNetworking transport layer. It is a headless server application that presently runs two connections locally via a loopback mechanism in which each endpoint sends a variety of packets to the other.

Download and Install

This repository uses Git LFS for storing large binary files. You will need to create a Github personal access token to authenticate with the LFS service.

Create a Git Personal Access Token

You will need your personal access token credentials to authenticate when you clone the repository.

Create a personal access token with the 'repo' scope.

(Recommended) Verify you have a credential manager installed to store your credentials

Recent versions of Git install a credential manager to store your credentials so you don't have to put in the credentials for every request.
It is highly recommended you check that you have a credential manager installed and configured

Clone the repository

There are two options when installing a project

Option #1 (Recommended) - Project-centric approach to building a project

This option lets you keep engine and project files in separate locations.

# clone the project into a folder outside your engine repository folder
> git clone
Cloning into 'o3de-netsoaktest'...

# register the engine
> C:/Path/To/o3de/scripts/o3de.bat register --this-engine 

# register the project 
> C:/Path/To/o3de/scripts/o3de.bat register -p C:/Path/To/o3de-netsoaktest

# example configure command
> cmake -S C:/Path/To/o3de-netsoaktest -B C:/Path/To/o3de-netsoaktest/build/windows_vs2019 -G "Visual Studio 16" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH="C:/3rdParty"

# example build command
> cmake --build C:/Path/To/o3de-netsoaktest/build/windows_vs2019 --target Editor NetSoakTest.ServerLauncher --config profile -- /m /nologo 
# clone the project into a folder outside your engine repository folder
> git clone
Cloning into 'o3de-netsoaktest'...

# register the engine
>/path/to/o3de/scripts/o3de.bat register --this-engine 

# register the project 
> /path/to/o3de/scripts/ register -p /path/to/o3de-netsoaktest

# example configure command
> cmake -S /path/to/o3de-netsoaktest -B /path/to/o3de-netsoaktest/build -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH="/home/user/3rdparty" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-12 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-12 

# example build command
> cmake --build /path/to/o3de-netsoaktest/build --config profile --target Editor NetSoakTest.ServerLauncher

Option #2 - Engine-centric approach to building a project

This option models the legacy folder layout where all projects were in the same folder as the engine. If you use this approach you must also modify your engine's local git exclude file to ignore the project folder.

# clone the project in a folder named 'NetSoakTest' in your existing engine repository folder
> git clone C:/path/to/engine/NetSoakTest
Cloning into 'NetSoakTest'...

# modify the local engine git exclude file to ignore the project folder
> echo NetSoakTest > C:/Path/To/o3de/.git/info/exclude

# the project now exists inside the engine folder but your engine repository will ignore all files in the project folder

# example configure command
> cmake -S C:/Path/To/o3de -b C:/Path/To/o3de/build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH="C:/3rdparty" -DLY_PROJECTS=NetSoakTest 

# example build command
> cmake --build C:/Path/To/o3de/build --target Editor NetSoakTest.ServerLauncher --configure profile -- /m /nologo 

If you have a Git credential helper configured, you should not be prompted for your credentials anymore.

Running the Project

Run the netsoak ServerLauncher with the relevant comand line values, using the nformat is --<command>=<value>. See the full list of options below.

For example, the following params will run the loopback test for 2 minutes before dumping stats and exiting:

NetSoakTest.ServerLauncher --soak_mode=loopback --soak_runtime=2000

When running tests, you can use the debug console and the DumpSoakStats command to see point-in-time stats from the test. The test will run indefinitely unless soak_runtime is set.

Note: All O3DE projects generate a GameLauncher and a ServerLauncher. NetSoakTest does not utilize its GameLauncher by design.


Cvar Description Default
soak_latencyms Simulated connection quality latency in milliseconds 0
soak_variancems Simulated connection quality variance in milliseconds 0
soak_losspercentage Simulated connection quality packet drop rate 0
soak_serveraddr The address for a client soak test to connect to, localhost by default (only used in Client Soak Mode)
soak_port The port that this soak test will bind to for game traffic 33450
soak_protocol Soak test protocol (TCP or UDP) udp
soak_mode The operating mode for the soak test, options are loopback, client or host. Loopback has two connection within the application feed traffic to each other in a loop. Client expects to connect to a server hosted at soak_serveraddr. Host hosts a server for clients to connect to Loopback
soak_runtimems How long to run the test for in milliseconds. Will automatically dump stats at the end of the test period. 0 (run indefinitely)
DumpSoakStats Dump snapshot of soak test networking stats to console and log. N/A

Other networking features such as Compression or DTLS/TLS can be enabled/disabled in the same way they would be in a production environment. For example:

NetSoakTest.ServerLauncher --net_UdpUseEncryption=true


For terms please see the LICENSE*.TXT file at the root of this distribution.