Test FrontEnd Developer Junior - Tambourine: In this test project the layout of a landing page is generated, it is done with the use and application of standard layout technologies such as Pure HTML and CSS.
Technologies and Methodologies Used:
- HTML 5 Semantic
- BEM Methodology (Block-Element-Modifier)
- Responsive Desing MobileFirst Methodology (Layout Shifter / Mostly Fluid)
- Application of MediaQueries
- Use of external fonts (Google Fonts) -VCS (Git/GitHub)
Responsive design of a static web page
This section contains the platforms that were used for the project.
Install each one the pieces of software previously mentioned.
- Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/nqs48/PressHotel_ADev.git
$ git clone [email protected]:nqs48/PressHotel_ADev.git
Open the project with VisualStudio Code (In the root proyect directory)
$ open .
Install Extension for VsCode
Extension: Live Server
Clic on live server option (down in the window)
The browser will be open automatically
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Nestor Quiroga Suarez
Jr. Software Developer