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This course presents to the students recent research and industrial issues pertaining to data engineering, database systems and technologies. Various topics of interests that are directly or indirectly affecting or are being influenced by data engineering, database systems and technologies are explored and discussed. Participation in forums as well as face to face interaction, with researchers and practitioners on these topics are encouraged. Students should then be able to conduct their own investigation and deductions. This course will also expose students to industry’s experiences in managing database systems and technologies through sharing knowledge sessions and work based learning activities with selected organization.
- Visual Studio Code Web Dev Setup In 6 Minutes
- Visual Studio Code: HTML, CSS & JS Tips
- Top 10 Best VS Code Extensions
- How to Setup Live Server in VS Code?
- How to setup and use GitHub with Visual Studio Code - (2023)
- How to Host a Website on GitHub [2023] | GitHub Pages Site
- Download: Visual Studio Code
- VS Code: Getting Started
- Collaborate with Live Share
- Install and sign in to Live Share in Visual Studio Code
- Marketplace: Live Share Extension Pack
- VS Code Live SHARE | How to use LiveShare in VS code for live online collaboration [ Quick Guide ]
- GitHub Desktop
- Udemy: Beginner VS Code
- Learn MongoDB
- Wikipedia: MongoDB
- Web Application using Mongodb
- MongoDB Atlas
- Sign in MongoDB Atlas
- MongoDB Compass
- Download: MongoDB Compass
- Connect MongoDB Atlas With MongoDB Compass
- w3schools: MongoDB Tutorial
- MongoDB - Quick Guide
- Github: mongodb
- Youtube: Complete MongoDB
- Youtube: Belajar MongoDB
- Data science project using MongoDB
- How to Install MongoDB && Compass | MacOS
- Python Dash Web Application Connected to Live Database - MongoDB
- Web Data Dashboard with Plotly express and Flask Python and JavaScript
- Flask Course - Python Web Application Development
- Python Web Development Libraries - Quick Guide
- Python Web Framework — A Detailed List of Web Frameworks in Python
- 13 Project Ideas for Intermediate Python Developers
- Top 11 Python Frameworks for Web Development In 2023
- Github: Real Python - materials
- PyScript - GitHub
- Run Python Visualizations on the Web Using PyScript
- Run Python in Your HTML
- PyScript demos
- Pyscript Tutorial With Simple Code Examples
- How to Run Python Visualizations on a Web Browser using PyScript
- A First Look at PyScript: Python in the Web Browser
- How to Embed Interactive Python Visualizations on Your Website with Python and Matplotlib
- How to Easily Run Python Visualizations On a Web Browser with PyScript
- Meet Django
- Github: django
- Django Tutorial: w3schools
- A Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in Python
- Creating and Viewing HTML files with Python
- Running Django on Google Colab
- Django tutorial
- 9 Best Django Website Templates 2023
- College Management System using Django – Python Project
- Best Python Django Tutorial For Beginners – With Project Structure
- Django Dashboards — Open Source and Free
- Python TurboGears: The Web Framework that scales with you
- The TurboGears Documentation
- Wikipedia: TurboGears
- Github: TurboGears
- Turbogears - Quick Guide
- web2py Web Framework
- web2py Examples
- Book: Complete Reference Manual, 6th Edition (pre-release). written by Massimo Di Pierro in English
- Wikipedia: web2py
- Github:web2py
- Lab 1: Hello World Program
- Lab 2: Pyscript With the src Attribute
- Lab 3: Working With Python Environment
- Lab 4: Interactive Embedded Shell
- Lab 5: Rendering Bokeh Plot With Pyscript
- Lab 6: Matplotlib
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