- Uses the parslet gem
- Every line is parsed as :generic_line until the string 'virtual ' is reached. The 'virtual { } configuration block and the options inside it are then parsed'
- Options inside the virtual server configuration are either known or unknown options
- Known options are currently: 'mask'
- All unknown options are parsed as:generic_option
Parsed output is formatted as an array of hashes containing an array of hashes.
- The first array contains each of the virtual servers as hashes.
- The second array contains each of the virtual server options as hashes.
The :generic_line rule is used insiderule(:ignore). It skips over all uninteresting lines - those which are not 'virtual { }' configuration blocks but may contain special characters.
Special characters parsed by generic_line: '[!,:#'{}()*?]' Special characters which break the parser:
- Double backslash
- Question mark
Do not use (:generic_line) anywhere else except inside ignore. This prevents any confusion created by trying to use generic_line to match configuration options.
When parsing the configuration file, the newline character is always on the end of every line, except for the last line where it may or may not be present.
To account for this, 'newline.maybe' has been added to rule(:generic_line) and rule(:virtual).
Added to differentiate between virtual address and virtual server config blocks
Parse all virtuals and the options: ..- name ..- destination as IP and Port ..- mask ..- pool ..- snatpool
Parse all pools and the options: ..- member
Parse all snatpools and the options: ..- member
For each virtual server, take the pool name, find the parsed pool and output the members.
For each virtual server, take the snatpool name, find the parsed snatpool and output the members.