Small package for easier management of kube secrets.
$ pip3 install kube-secrets
data json from stdin -> kube secret
$ vault read secret/my-app -format=json | jq '.data' | \
kube-secrets create --name my-project-secrets -n my-namespace -
data json from file -> kube secret
$ echo '{"a": "top-secret"}' > s.json
$ kube-secrets create --name my-project-secrets -n my-namespace --data-file=s.json
Problem: You want to export json/yaml file as kube secrets and use them. Secrets need to be
encoded in base64. You need to write yaml manifest and put there encoded secrets.
This package should make it easier for you to just grab json and export it.
- update mode
- delete + create
- edit directly on localhost
- decode, open in EDITOR, save, encode, push