DynamicAero2 theme is DynamicResource version of PresentationFramework.Aero2.
- All Brush, Style, Template and Data are specified by DynamicResource.
- You can change the color of the control without implementing Style.
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ScrollBar.Static.Background" Color="Red" />
Equivalent to PresentationFramework.Aero2.
After adding DynamicAero2.dll
to project reference, edit App.xaml
as follows.
<Application [...]
<DynamicAero2:Theme Color="NormalColor"/>
Change the Color
property to Dark
or Light
if necessary.
The theme will not be applied to controls that have Style applied to them.
If you want to use both Style and Theme, you need to set BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:type Button}}"
to Style.
<Style TargetType="Button" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type Button}"}/>
<Style TargetType="Button"/>
MIT license.
Copyright (c) Manju Summoner
Theme styles and templates was converted based on dotnet / wpf repository.
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors.