The gallery module allows you create folders and collection and upload images to the collections. Its an easy way to create a gallery very quick and create your own view files.
For the installation of modules Composer is required.
composer require luyadev/luya-module-gallery
After installation via Composer include the module to your configuration file within the modules section.
'modules' => [
// ...
'gallery' => [
'class' => 'luya\gallery\frontend\Module',
'useAppViewPath' => false, // When enabled the views will be looked up in the @app/views folder, otherwise the views shipped with the module will be used.
'galleryadmin' => 'luya\gallery\admin\Module',
After successfully installation and configuration run the migrate, import and setup command to initialize the module in your project.
1.) Migrate your database.
./vendor/bin/luya migrate
2.) Import the module and migrations into your LUYA project.
./vendor/bin/luya import
As the modules are not shipped with default view files you can use the following examples:
<?php foreach($catData as $item): ?>
<div class="well">
<h1><?= $item->title; ?></h1>
<a href="<?= $item->detailLink; ?>">Alben anzeigen</a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<table border="1">
<?php foreach($albenData as $item): ?>
<td><img src="<?= Yii::$app->storage->getImage($item->cover_image_id)->applyFilter('medium-thumbnail')->source; ?>" border="0" /></td>
<h2><?= $item->title; ?></h2>
<p><?= $item->description; ?></p>
<p><?= $item->detailLink; ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<table border="1">
<h2><?= $model->title; ?></h2>
<p><?= $model->description; ?></p>
<p><a href="<?= $model->detailLink; ?>"><?= $model->detailLink; ?></a>
<div class="row">
<?php foreach($model->albumImages as $image): ?>
<div class="col-md-3">
<img class="img-responsive" src="<?= $image->getImage()->source; ?>" border="0" />
<?php endforeach; ?>