A simple dictionary application that allows users to search for English words and get their definitions, parts of speech, phonetic transcriptions, and examples. The app also includes a feature to play the pronunciation of the word if available.
- Search for English words
- Display word definitions
- Show parts of speech
- Provide phonetic transcriptions
- Display usage examples (if available)
- Play pronunciation audio (if available)
- JavaScript
- Dictionary API
- Font Awesome for the icons
You need a modern web browser to run this application.
- Enter a word in the input field.
- Click the "Search" button.
- The app will display the word's definition, part of speech, phonetic transcription, and example sentence (if available).
- Click the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation of the word.
- If the app doesn't find a word, it will display a message saying "Couldn't Find The Word".
- Ensure you have an internet connection as the app fetches data from an online API.