⚠️ This project is not actively maintained anymore as the author doesn't do Seed-based resting state functional connectivity analysis on a regular basis anymore.⚠️ Please feel free to take over, give it a better name, and take the idea to adapt in your own analysis.
Seed-based resting state functional connectivity with Nilearn.
This project is subject to change as Nilearn GLM features are still under development.
The required dependencies to use the software are:
- Python >= 3.7
- Nilearn >= 0.7.0
- Matplotlib >= 3.4.0
First make sure you have installed all the dependencies listed above. Then you can install by running the following command in a command prompt:
pip install git+http://github.com/htwangtw/sbfc.git
This library work on minimally processed data only.
If you need to preprocess your imaging data, please consider fMRIprep
You can find an example in example
and files that you should prepare to run the pipeline.