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Reimplement distribution metric with GHC prim ops
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This commit attempts to address issue haskell-github-trust#41 of tibbe/ekg-core by
replacing the C code for the distribution metric with GHC prim ops.

The performance of this implementation is about half that of the
existing C code in a single-threaded benchmark; without masking the
performance is comparable.

This commit is based on the work of Travis Whitaker in PR haskell-github-trust#42 of
  • Loading branch information
awjchen committed May 29, 2021
1 parent 132d5d1 commit 3f9bf09
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Showing 2 changed files with 226 additions and 168 deletions.
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions System/Metrics/Distribution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}

module System.Metrics.Distribution
( Distribution
, new
, add
, addN
, read

-- * Gathered statistics
, Internal.Stats
, Internal.mean
, Internal.variance
, Internal.count
, Internal.sum
, Internal.min
, Internal.max
) where

import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (max, min, read, sum)

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad (forM_, replicateM)
import qualified Data.Array as A
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import Data.Primitive.MachDeps (sIZEOF_INT)
import GHC.Int
import GHC.IO
import GHC.Prim

import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution.Internal as Internal
import System.Metrics.ThreadId


-- | An metric for tracking events.
newtype Distribution = Distribution { unD :: A.Array Distrib }

-- | Number of lock stripes. Should be greater or equal to the number
-- of HECs.
numStripes :: Int
numStripes = 8

-- | Get the stripe to use for this thread.
myStripe :: Distribution -> IO Distrib
myStripe distrib = do
tid <- myCapability
return $! unD distrib `A.index` (tid `mod` numStripes)


newtype Distrib = Distrib (MutableByteArray RealWorld)


posLock, posCount, posMean, posSumSqDelta, posSum, posMin, posMax :: Int
-- Putting the variable-sized `Int` field first so that its offset (0)
-- does not depend on its size. This assumes that the size of `Int` is
-- at most 8 bytes.
posLock = 0 -- Int
posCount = 1 -- Int64
posMean = 2 -- Double
posSumSqDelta = 3 -- Double
posSum = 4 -- Double
posMin = 5 -- Double
posMax = 6 -- Double

newDistrib :: IO Distrib
newDistrib = do
arr <- newAlignedPinnedByteArray sIZEOF_CACHELINE sIZEOF_CACHELINE

writeByteArray @Int arr posLock 0
writeByteArray @Int64 arr posCount 0
writeByteArray @Double arr posMean 0.0
writeByteArray @Double arr posSumSqDelta 0.0
writeByteArray @Double arr posSum 0.0
writeByteArray @Double arr posMin inf
writeByteArray @Double arr posMax (-inf)

pure $ Distrib arr
inf :: Double
inf = 1/0

withLock :: Distrib -> IO () -> IO ()
withLock distrib action = mask_ $ do
lock distrib
unlock distrib

lock :: Distrib -> IO ()
lock (Distrib (MutableByteArray arr#)) = IO $ \s0# ->
case spinlock arr# s0# of
s1# -> (# s1#, () #)

:: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
spinlock arr# s0# =
case posLock of { I# posLock# ->
case casIntArray# arr# posLock# 0# 1# s0# of { (# s1#, r# #) ->
case r# of
0# -> s1#
_ -> spinlock arr# s1#

unlock :: Distrib -> IO ()
unlock (Distrib arr) = writeByteArray @Int arr posLock 0

-- Mean and variance are computed according to
distribAddN :: Distrib -> Double -> Int64 -> IO ()
distribAddN distrib val n = do
let n' = fromIntegral n :: Double
withLock distrib $ do
let Distrib arr = distrib

oldCount <- readByteArray @Int64 arr posCount
oldMean <- readByteArray @Double arr posMean
oldSumSqDelta <- readByteArray @Double arr posSumSqDelta
oldSum <- readByteArray @Double arr posSum
oldMin <- readByteArray @Double arr posMin
oldMax <- readByteArray @Double arr posMax

let newCount = oldCount + n
delta = val - oldMean
newMean = oldMean + n' * delta / fromIntegral newCount
newSumSqDelta = oldSumSqDelta + delta * (val - newMean) * n'
newSum = oldSum + val -- Shouldn't this be `oldSum + n'*val`?
newMin = Prelude.min oldMin val
newMax = Prelude.max oldMax val

writeByteArray @Int64 arr posCount newCount
writeByteArray @Double arr posMean newMean
writeByteArray @Double arr posSumSqDelta newSumSqDelta
writeByteArray @Double arr posSum newSum
writeByteArray @Double arr posMin newMin
writeByteArray @Double arr posMax newMax

distribCombine :: Distrib -> Distrib -> IO ()
distribCombine distrib (Distrib accArr) =
withLock distrib $ do
let Distrib arr = distrib

count <- readByteArray @Int64 arr posCount
mean <- readByteArray @Double arr posMean
sumSqDelta <- readByteArray @Double arr posSumSqDelta
sum <- readByteArray @Double arr posSum
min <- readByteArray @Double arr posMin
max <- readByteArray @Double arr posMax

accCount <- readByteArray @Int64 accArr posCount
accMean <- readByteArray @Double accArr posMean
accSumSqDelta <- readByteArray @Double accArr posSumSqDelta
accSum <- readByteArray @Double accArr posSum
accMin <- readByteArray @Double accArr posMin
accMax <- readByteArray @Double accArr posMax

let newCount = count + accCount
delta = mean - accMean
count' = fromIntegral count
countAcc' = fromIntegral accCount
newCount' = fromIntegral newCount
newMean = (countAcc' * accMean + count' * mean) / newCount'
newSumSqDelta = accSumSqDelta + sumSqDelta +
delta * delta * (countAcc' * count') / newCount'
newSum = sum + accSum
newMin = Prelude.min min accMin
newMax = Prelude.max max accMax

writeByteArray @Int64 accArr posCount newCount
writeByteArray @Double accArr posMean newMean
writeByteArray @Double accArr posSumSqDelta newSumSqDelta
writeByteArray @Double accArr posSum newSum
writeByteArray @Double accArr posMin newMin
writeByteArray @Double accArr posMax newMax

-- Exposed API

-- | Create a new distribution.
new :: IO Distribution
new = (Distribution . A.fromList numStripes) `fmap`
replicateM numStripes newDistrib

-- | Add a value to the distribution.
add :: Distribution -> Double -> IO ()
add distrib val = addN distrib val 1

-- | Add the same value to the distribution N times.
addN :: Distribution -> Double -> Int64 -> IO ()
addN distribution val n = do
distrib <- myStripe distribution
distribAddN distrib val n

-- | Get the current statistical summary for the event being tracked.
read :: Distribution -> IO Internal.Stats
read distribution = do
result <- newDistrib
forM_ (A.toList $ unD distribution) $ \distrib ->
distribCombine distrib result

let Distrib arr = result
count <- readByteArray @Int64 arr posCount
mean <- readByteArray @Double arr posMean
sumSqDelta <- readByteArray @Double arr posSumSqDelta
sum <- readByteArray @Double arr posSum
min <- readByteArray @Double arr posMin
max <- readByteArray @Double arr posMax

pure $! Internal.Stats
{ Internal.mean = if count == 0 then 0.0 else mean
, Internal.variance = if count == 0 then 0.0
else sumSqDelta / fromIntegral count
, Internal.count = count
, Internal.sum = sum
, Internal.min = if count == 0 then 0.0 else min
, Internal.max = if count == 0 then 0.0 else max
168 changes: 0 additions & 168 deletions System/Metrics/Distribution.hsc

This file was deleted.

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