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Flipper Tilda Exporter


This application forked from tilda-static-page-exporter repository and contains some changes:

  1. Added Nginx to serve static files
  2. Added custom js, css and images paths reading from Tilda

This application does

  1. Handles Tilda's site export webhook via Tilda's API
  2. Exports all site files to specified directory
  3. Exports sitemap.xml and robots.txt
  4. Serves this files via Nginx

How to use

  1. Generate API credentials (Tilda's Dashboard->Site Settings->API Integration->Generate new API keys)
  2. Add webhook URL on same page ([YOUR SERVER IP OR HOSTNAME]/webhook)
  3. Start applicaton in docker
    docker run --rm -d -p 80:80 \
        -e 'TILDA_STATIC_PATH_PREFIX=/static' \
        # OPTIONAL # \
        -e 'TILDA_ORIGINAL_URL=[Original Tilda URL e.g ""]' \
        -e 'TILDA_ORIGINAL_HOST=[Original Tilda host e.g ""]' \
        # OPTIONAL # \
        -v [YOUR STATIC FILES DIRECTORY]:/static \
        flipperdevices/flipper-tilda-webserver:[LATEST TAG FROM GITHUB]
  4. Make some chages on your site and type 'Publish'. Your site will be avaliabe on your server in a few minnutes