A series of quick video tutorials
- Notebook: UUID.ipynb
- NBViewer
- Notebook: Getting Started with DataJoint.ipynb
- NBViewer
- Notebook Spawning-Classes.ipynb
- NBViewer
- Notebook Alter.ipynb
- NBViewer
- Work with Tables
- connections, schemas,
- tables and classes
- attributes and their types
- primary key
- insert and delete
- lookup tables
- fetch, head, tail
- iterations
- restrict and proj
- insert from query
- drop and alter
- connections, schemas,
- Dependencies
- primary and secondary dependencies
- python modules
- spawning classes
- transactions, master-part relationship
- diagramming
- renamed attributes
- patterns: hierarchy, membership, pairings and groupings
- unique and optional dependencies
- indexes
- Advanced Queries
- join
- aggr
- universal sets
- union
- Scientific Data and Big Data
- blobs, attachments
- external stores, cloud storage
- filepaths
- Computed tables
methods- patterns: parameterization and grouping
- Master-Part relationship
- Distributed processing
- jobs table
- Customized computations
- custom
- custom