Terraform module to create Google Cloud images for Flux Framework HashiCorp Packer and AWS CodeBuild. We are mirroring functionality from GoogleCloudPlatform/scientific-computing-examples, however we have refactored the entire thing to only use one base image, and have all configuration done via a start boot script. Thank you Google, we love you!
Create default application credentials (just once):
$ gcloud auth application-default login
this is for packer to find and use.
Let's first go into build-images to use packer to build our images. You'll need to first install packer You can use the Makefile there to build all (or a select set of) images. Note that we are currently advocating for using the single bursted image:
export GOOGLE_PROJECT=myproject
cd ./build-images/bursted
$ make
You can build images under build-images and then use the modules provided in burst. An example is provided in examples/basic and you can see the flux-burst-compute-engine.
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