Releases: comp500/SSLSocks
Version 0.0.20-beta
Updated stunnel to version 5.56.
Version 0.0.19-beta
Add ServiceStopActivity, so other applications can stop the service using an intent
Version 0.0.18-beta
Add some information about stunnel/SSLSocks licenses and versions to the settings screen.
Added integration to start a profile of the "OpenVPN for Android" app when running stunnel.
Version 0.0.17-beta
Reworked UI to be more reliable and look better.
Removed some unused code.
Switched to Material Components for some of the UI.
Version 0.0.16-beta
Refactored internal I/O system, may be more reliable.
Migrated project to AndroidX.
Created new icons for the notification and app.
Added a button to stop the service from the notification.
Added a shortcut to start the service. (long press the app icon and drag to create a launcher icon on Android 7.1+)
Updated stunnel to version 5.55.
Version 0.0.15-beta
Fixed start on boot for Android 8.0+
Switched to Travis CI for building the app.
Reextract stunnel binary when the app is updated.
Updated stunnel to version 5.54.
Apologies for the large number of unnecessary tags generated while testing Travis integration!
Version 0.0.6-beta
Improved status messages (might be more reliable).
Updated stunnel to version 5.50 (you may need to clear the application data for it to update properly).
Version 0.0.5-beta
Fixed issues with key/certificate importing.
Updated stunnel to version 5.49 (you may need to clear the application data for it to update properly).
Version 0.0.4-beta
Fix version number.
Version 0.0.3-beta
Moved config interface to main tabs.
Gave the notification an icon, so it's easier to see.
Added an interface for importing your own keys and certificates (using .pem and .p12 files) to verify the server or authenticate yourself to a server. (see the CAfile and cert options in stunnel)
Edit: Just realised I forgot to bump the version number in gradle, so you should use version 0.0.4-beta instead.