During your first week in CN you will be assigned small homeworks to improve your JS skills.
As a first step create your branch under this repository. Then upload the solutions for each of the assigned task as a *.js
file inside your branch. Every morning we will meet at 10:00 at meeting room to discuss your solutions and possible improvements, tips, background, theory and answer your questions.
CW - www.codewars.com - kata training:
- CW 01 - Love vs friendship
- CW 02 - Animal years
- CW 03 - Lost without map
- CW 04 - Multiple of index
- CW 05 - Reduce but grow
- CW 06 - Abbreviating a name
- CW 07 - No loops
- JS30 04 - Array functions
- JS30 06 - Cities playaround
- JS30 07 - Array .some .every
- JS30 10 - multiple checkboxs with shift
- JS30 17 - Sorting without part of string
- JS30 18 - Time adding
- JS30 20 - native speech recognition
- JS30 23 - Speech sysnthesis
- JS30 30 - Whack a mole
Extra reading for getting deeper into JavaScript topics, maybe used as an extra task for those who are extra fast or proactive.
- Call Stack and Event Loop
- Value Types and Reference Types
- Function Scope and Closures
- Pure Functions
Goal is to go through training excercises for screeps game. Then launch simulation room and try to do the tasks listed below.
Please note that simulation mode is not persisting state between tab reloads/closing. It will persist code, but the simulation progress will be deleted. Keep the tab open :) Also please make screenshots when you achieve the goals, so we avoid any accidents :)
Scrreps main page Tutorial + simaltion room Documentation API reference
- Build a screep using 500 energy
- Make a use of container
- Optimize usage of resources and screeps - minimum iddle times and waiting lines
- Build a road to bottom right resource
- Optimize building algorithm - build closest
- Defeat the spawned invader in bottom left corner