This is kht++, a program for computing Khovanov invariants for links and tangles.
An installation guide and some documentation are available at the kht++ homepage.
Installation instructions are also contained in the file docs/
For feedback, questions, and bug reports, please send an email to [email protected]
If you find this program useful in your research, please make sure to cite it as:
Claudius Zibrowius, kht++, a program for computing Khovanov invariants for
links and tangles,, <date>.
Bibtex (requires \usepackage{hyperref}
author = {Zibrowius, Claudius},
howpublished = {URL: \url{}},
title = {kht++, a program for computing {K}hovanov invariants for links and tangles},
month = {<current month>},
year = {<current year>},
kht++ was written by Claudius Zibrowius while being supported through the following grants:
- Lukas Lewark's Emmy Noether Grant of the DFG, project number 412851057
- An Individual Research Grant of the DFG, project number 505125645
The following people have contributed to this project in one form or another:
- Tom Brown, advice on sparse matrices in python and C++
- Gurkeerat Chhina, co-author of KhT, a prototype for kht++ written in python as part of a UBC undergraduate research project
- Artem Kotelskiy, co-author of the papers on which this program is based [1,2,3,4,5]
- Lukas Lewark, advice and moral support
- Liam Watson, co-author of the papers on which this program is based [1,2,3,4,5]