A Python implementation of a minimum viable data model for geodetic procesing. Somewhat inspired by the current version of ISO-19111 "Referencing by coordinates", but focusing on the triplet of
- Reference frames, including their associated coordinate systems
- Coordinate operations and
- Coordinates
represented through three primary abstract classes
- Crs
- Operation
- CoordinateSet
Currently, PyGe is just a mock up of a data model, intended for ease-of-experimentation. PyGe does not implement any actual geodetic computational functionality, yet: It is merely a framework for demonstrating the data flow and the handling of parameters.
PyGe builds on experience from Rust Geodesy
The raison d'etre for PyGe is not too different from that of Rust Geodesy. See the essays Why Rust Geodesy and What's wrong with ISO-19111? - and in general the material listed here.