Python software to monitor a socket and execute a command depending on socket amout of data sent.
Imagine that you have a service at localhost port 6969. This service requires a first hello to send from client and then server starts sending data. Initial big amount of data is skipped.
I want to execute some monitoring command if server send less than expected bytes in a period of time or timeout happen.
Rename to and adjust the params as you want.
The most interesting things are the command to execute depending on socket
behaviour and the clientside_login
In the I expect server to send at least 64 bytes every second.
Becareful because if more than bufsize bytes are send each second they are acumulated and the script looses responsiveness.
Almost all options can also be given as cli argument.
python3 install
python pysockmon/
pysockmon --success-exec "printf "%s: OK\n" "$(date)"" --warning-exec "echo 'WARNING'; beep" --error-exec "echo ERROR; beep; beep; beep;" --read-threshold 9 localhost 6969