Blendmsh is a bridge between Blender 2.80+ and Gmsh, a fast and light 3D finite element mesh generator.
- Download the latest release as a '.zip' file and head over to Blender 2.80+.
- Go to Edit->Preferences->Add-on->Install and point to the downloaded '.zip' file.
- Make sure that the installed add-on is enabled.
- Once enabled, the add-on looks for Gmsh module, it prompts for an installation if Gmsh module is not found. Kindly install it either via the prompt or manually.
Workspace path
Physical groups
Element order
Meshing algorithm
- auto
- meshadapt
- del2d
- front2d
- delquad
- pack
- initial2d
- del3d
- front3d
- mmg3d
- hxt
- initial3d
Element size
Mesh dimension
- .msh
- .inp
- .vtk
Physical groups can be defined by assigning materials to faces (Boundaries).
Output mesh is saved to the specified workspace path, it can then be imported into FreeCAD, OpenFOAM, Paraview or anyother application that supports the above mentioned mesh format.
Report any issues or feedback here.