We've built an improved version of Telegram Messenger with super helpful features our users absolutely love.
Bettergram uses the Telegram API and open source code with a few modifications to provide users with a more organized interface. Just like Telegram, you can use your existing account or create a new account through their servers.
Telegram is an essential part of our lives as tech entrepreneurs. Over 200+ million monthly active users love the app, but we believed it could be better. Thankfully, Telegram is 100% open source which allowed us to build an improved UI/UX on top of their API.
Clone the iOS project with its submodules using SSH way
$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:bettergram/Bettergram-iOS.git
If you want to update the submodules in already cloned repository use the following command:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
If you want to update the submodules to the latest versions you can use the following command:
$ git submodule update --recursive --remote
file on the level above the root project's folderBettergram-iOS/... //all project's files in the root config.h // Required to add
contains next lines:#define SETUP_TELEGRAM_API_ID(apiId) apiId = ...; #define SETUP_TELEGRAM_API_HASH(apiHash) apiHash = @"..."; #define SETUP_MAILCHIMP_API(key) key = @"..."; #define SETUP_MAILCHIMP_CRITICAL_NEWSLETTER_LIST_ID(key) key = @"..."; #define SETUP_MAILCHIMP_CRYPTO_NEWSLETTER_LIST_ID(key) key = @"...";
Create Debug and Release configurations for SSignalKit (this's a submodule we can't push it)
To build the project for a real device or to archive change Signing Automatically & Team None for SSignalKit and MtProtoKit (these are submodules so we can't push it)