Tool to launch serial processes on a cluster and aggregate results, using mpi4py
# on a login node
mkdir /nobackup/$USER/codes
cd /nobackup/$USER/codes
git clone
cd mpi4py_task_runner/
git checkout -b 0.1.3 v0.1.3
srun -n 80 --pty /bin/bash # grab an interactive SLURM session on 80 cores
# then in the interactive shell
. utils/
mpiexec ./
# back on the login node
make list
# cat the file 'summary.txt'
make summary
# only if you really need to!!
make extract
# cleanup
git clean -xdf .
### Configure Environment
# Anaconda 3-5.0.1; python3
module purge
module load gcc slurm
module load anaconda/3-5.0.1
module load mpt
export PYTHONPATH=/software/x86_64/mpi4py/3.0.1-${MPI_ID_STRING}/lib/python3.6/site-packages
which mpiexec
which python
srun -n 64 --constraint=sky --pty /bin/bash -l # get an interactive shell, 2 nodes, 32 cores ea.
. utils/
mpiexec ./