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Dockerfiles for Docker images, plus supporting scripts.

These images run in Chromebook LXC containers. Chrome supports Linux LXC containers under Crostini.

Thanks and Caveats

Inspired by (@jessfraz) Jessie Frazelle's dockerfiles, which recommend working in containers.

Note, these files and scripts are opinionated for me. They try to consistently follow certain conventions, to be described here. You might like the conventions, or not.

I can't guarantee, for sure, that their organization will suit you. With that caveat ..., feel free to reuse.

The scripts use bash. Some scripts may use python, often with jinja.

I'm in deep debt to:

  • too many open source contributors whose source I've read,
  • bloggers whose pieces I've read, especially in Medium, and
  • @jessfraz as a pioneer.

What's different?

My work

I work a lot with Kerberos. Many images here include Kerberos libraries.

Kerberos is a group of secure protocols and services that enable single sign-on login. Single sign-on is like a passport to applications. Its hope is that

  • You logon once. Then,
  • all apps you use will be able to check your credentials.
  • And no one will steal your credentials.

Products such as Microsoft's Active Directory use Kerberos at its core.

My general project is called homespun directory. It focuses on creating directories, by which are meant user, group and access supports, for homes, apartment complexes, and small home businesses. It also tries to use certificate authorities in a transparent way, in accord with "certificate transparency".

I prefer Postgres as a database.

Finally, I prefer Python web frameworks, i.e., Django and Flask.

Focus on Debian

Most images here start from the Linux Debian distribution. Why Debian?

  • Google uses Debian in its Chrome Linux, and also for Kubernetes.
  • Debian has the most supported Kerberos software.
  • Debian is regularly updated for security.
  • Debian is the largest and most widely supported free Linux.

A Hierarchy of Images

Docker's FROM verb lets one image start from another image. Images here start from a very basic base.

For Debian, the base, debian_base, is derived from Google's Debian base for Kubernetes.

Each image adds libraries to already defined images. So most images depend on other images.

File bin/image.order, in this repo, shows the dependency order.

Docker Network my-bridge

The default Docker network is officially deprecated by Docker, so we created a Docker network my-bridge to run our containers.

You should create my-bridge by the following command:

$ docker network create my-bridge

If you don't create my-bridge, commands from this repo fail. So create my-bridge now.

Containers Run as "Me", Not Root

_me_sudo images, and all images depending on them, add a local user called me, with UID and GID equal to 1000.

How to achieve this is debated. We preferred to do user creation work in Dockerfile. An alternative, used in @jessfraz scripts, is to use root to add and switch to a local user in container initialization.

Our decision is rooted in the Linux environment of Crostini on a Chromebook. Crostini wraps its Linux users in LXC containers. The default user of an LXC container under Crostini has UID and GID 1000.

"Me" has Sudo Rights to Switch to Root

The local user can switch to root when needed.

We enter many containers with bash. We then work in them as if they're our virtual machine. Often, we find we need a library from a package we didn't know we needed, in a container.

It's simple, then, to add that package via sudo, work on, and decide later to make yet another container, or to update the Dockerfile of this one.

To make images production-ready, I would recommend to

  • drop sudo from debian_me_sudo,
  • update FROM lines from child images accordingly,
  • define entrypoints other than bash, and
  • rebuild the hierarchy.

Some may consider these suggestions obvious. To them, I'd say: belabor the obvious.

With power scripts and the file bin/image.order, rebuilding is easy.

Power Scripts

Butler Lampson is famous for his quote, don't hide power.

Scripts in bin that have

  • suffixes such as _all, or
  • prefixes such as bulk_,

are power scripts. They operate over many images, instead of one at a time.

Key to the success of power scripts is file bin/image.order. Using bin/image.order with tsort (a Unix command which stands for "transitive sort"), one can act on containers from parent to child, or in the reverse order.

A great help here, with respect to registry access, is (@jessfraz) Jessie Frazelle's jess/reg container.

Warning: don't use a power script without reading it and understanding it!

Respect warnings.

A Convenience Script Directory -- "local_bin"

The directory $REPO/local_bin can be added to the PATH variable of a user. I symbolically link it to my home directory. Actually, I've made it my $HOME/bin.

The key file in $REPO/local_bin is It's used by scripts run_bash_l and run_bash_c.

To understand it and its associated scripts, one needs to understand how docker run commands are generated. And, to understand that, one needs to explore project and volume directory trees.

Project and Volume Directory Trees

We're opinionated about projects and volumes. Why? Because we use the opinionated structure we set up to generate docker run commands.

A directory $REPO/trees has skeleton project and volume trees set up as we recommend.

Our rules are hopefully not too complicated.

Project Tree Rules

Project tree directories have the same name as container images.

Each project tree directory must have an empty file with the same name as the directory.

When a container image becomes a container, by being run via standard scripts, it will have

  • a home directory called $MEHOME, and
  • a directory named $MEHOME/app.

$MEHOME/app is mapped to a volume which is the project tree directory with the image name. The volume mapping ensures that all work in $MEHOME/app is preserved in the project tree. This work will not go away when the container is removed.

The empty file in $MEHOME/app, with a name the same as the container image, is a check for the user, that the directory $MEHOME/app is mapped to is what the user expects, based on the container image.

Volume Tree Rules

All directories mapped as volumes to containers, other than the project tree directory represented as $MEHOME/app, are subtrees of the volume tree.

Directory $REPO/trees/volumes has a skeleton volume tree set up as we recommend. Its directory names are arbitrary. The skeleton is just what we're using currently. We're not worried that it is revealing anything we need to keep secret.

What matters are the subtree labels. Specifically, files with names starting with volume.

Subtrees of the volume tree are eligible to be used as volumes in a docker run command if and only if they have a file. The contents of is a simple name for a volume.

Other volume.* files in a volume subtree define what a docker run command will use for its arguments.

  • volume.var defines variable assignments the docker run arguments will use.
  • volume.env defines --env arguments to docker run.
  • volume.user defines --user arguments to docker run.
  • volume.workdir defines --workdir arguments to docker run.
  • volume.device defines --device arguments to docker run.
  • defines --volume arguments to docker run.

The assignments in volume.var appear before a docker run call in the execution of scripts.

Let's look at the full power made possible by these volume.* files.

As an example, run the following command from $REPO/local_bin. As run here, because the env command presets an environment variable DO_RUN_CMD to show command arguments instead of running docker run, this command will have no effect other than to echo to your console!

$ env DO_RUN_CMD=show_run run_pycode_bash_l

We're assuming you're in $REPO/local_bin or have it in your PATH. The script show_run was created to output how a docker run command will be called to create a container from an image. The run_pycode_bash_l script is a convenience script which runs the following:

env NAME=bullseye_krb5_pg_pipenv_code run_bash_l iti me_pycode

The NAME environment variable assignment selects a container image. The iti argument to the run_bash_l command requests to use --interactive --tty --init in a generated docker run command. The me_pycode argument to run_bash_l refers to a line in $REPO/local_bin/


The line above shows a long list of volume ids. Each volume id represents the content of a file in the volume tree. The files associated with these files are used in the generated docker run command to create, start and run a container.

The generated docker run command is huge, but also very illustrative of the power of volume ids. Alas, in the wild, this output is all on one superlong line. It's reformatted for you here. The show_run command represents project tree and volume tree bases with variable names $PROJBASE and $VOLBASE. Further, it represents the user home directory with variable $MEHOME, and the registry with variable $REGISTRY. We wish we could do more, but this is better than nothing.

--network my-bridge
--interactive --tty --init
--env SHELL=/bin/bash
--volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
--volume /usr/share/i18n:/usr/share/host-i18n:ro
--volume /usr/share/locale:/usr/share/host-locale:ro
--volume /usr/share/terminfo:/usr/share/host-terminfo:ro
--user 1000:1000
--workdir $MEHOME
--volume $PROJBASE/bullseye_krb5_pg_pipenv_code:$MEHOME/app:rw
--user 1000:1000
--workdir $MEHOME
--device /dev/snd
--env DISPLAY=unix:0
--volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
--volume /tmp/.X1M-unix:/tmp/.X1M-unix:rw
--volume $VOLBASE/git/git:$MEHOME/git:rw
--volume $VOLBASE/git/gitconfig:$MEHOME/.gitconfig:ro
--volume $VOLBASE/usersock/ssh-agent.socket:/run/user/1000/ssh-agent.socket:rw
--volume $VOLBASE/krb5/krb5.conf:/etc/krb5.conf:ro
--volume $VOLBASE/krb5/krb5:/etc/krb5:ro
--volume $VOLBASE/krb5_pg/pguser.keytab:/etc/pguser.keytab:ro
--volume $VOLBASE/pipenv/pg/local:$MEHOME/.local:rw
--volume $VOLBASE/code/pipenv/bashrc:$MEHOME/.bashrc:ro
--volume $VOLBASE/code/pipenv/config:$MEHOME/.config:rw
--volume $VOLBASE/code/pipenv/pki:$MEHOME/.pki:rw
--volume $VOLBASE/code/pipenv/vscode-insiders:$MEHOME/.vscode-insiders:rw
--name bullseye_krb5_pg_pipenv_code
bash -l

Note the my-bridge Docker network, which you must create for commands from this repository to succeed. See here for a reminder.

Where is the Meat?

Most dirs here are container image directories. Each image directory $dir has at least two members:

  • a Dockerfile
  • a build script at $dir/bin/build_this.

A snippet is a small piece of code. A bash snippet to find image directories is:

cd $REPO
for d in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d); do
  [[ -f $d/Dockerfile && -f $d/bin/build_this ]] && echo $d

To build, run $PWD/bin/build_this from a container image's directory. Make sure your current directory is the image directory when you run this.

My Docker Registry

The build_this scripts assume a specific Docker registry, which is not the Docker public registry. See Docker documentation on how to set up a secure registry.

My registry

  • uses TLS/SSL,
  • uses certs from a private certificate authority, and
  • uses password authentication.

My registry's password is stored in base64 encoding in the standard location, i.e., ~/.docker/config.json.

My registry is a default, but you're encouraged to define and export an environment variable REGISTRY with the name of your preferred Docker registry.

Scripts in this repo are written to adapt to your exported REGISTRY definition.

run_bash Command Usage

The run_bash commands call docker run with appropriate arguments.

Short usage statements:

$ run_bash_l
usage: run_bash_l ['i'|'it'|'iti'|'d'|'di'|'init-only'] volumeslabel

$ run_bash_c
usage: run_bash_c ['i'|'it'|'iti'|'d'|'di'|'init-only'] volumeslabel arg ...

run_bash_l causes docker run to call bash -l. run_bash_c causes docker run to call bash -c.

bash -l starts bash, calls login scripts, and delivers a user prompt. bash -c runs the command following the -c flag with the bash shell.

A long description explains run_bash command detail.

second argument options (filling in 'docker run' flags):
  'i' -- '--interactive'
  'it' -- '--interactive --tty'
  'iti' -- '--interactive --tty --init'
  'd' -- '--detach'
  'di' -- '--detach --init'
  'init-only' -- '--init'
files used:
  $REPO_DIR/local_bin/ -- maps labels to volume id lists
environment variables affecting run_bash_l:
  NAME [required] -- the container image to run
  DO_RUN_CMD [optional, try 'show_run'] -- 'do_run' replacement
  TRACE [optional] -- if set to 'on', enables Linux strace
  REGISTRY [optional] -- your docker registry
  PROJ_BASE_DIR [optional] -- project dirtree base
  VOL_BASE_DIR [optional] -- volumes dirtree base
  REPO_DIR [optional] -- repository dirtree base
  APPDIR [optional] -- your application work directory
  DOCKER_RUN_CMD [optional] -- 'docker run' replacement

If run_bash_l or run_bash_c is run with no arguments, both the short usage statement and the long description will be output to standard error.

The example here is an example of running run_bash_l.

A run_bash_c example, in detail.

Here is an example of running run_bash_c.

env NAME=alpine_pg run_bash_c iti me_pg "psql -h my_host -U my_user mydb"

This command:

  • runs a psql Postgres client
  • in a Linux Alpine container,
  • under user me,
  • in working directory $MEHOME,
  • with a Docker volume pointing to a password file at $MEHOME/.pgpass.

Volumeslabel me_pg can be found in $REPO_DIR/local_bin/

$ grep me_pg local_bin/

The EVERY ME PG volume ids listed under me_pg can be found in files under the repository skeleton volume tree $REPO_DIR/trees/volumes. There, we can see volume.* files.

$ cd $REPO_DIR/trees/volumes
$ cat {every,me,pg}/
$ ls every me pg
volume.env  volume.var

me:  volume.user  volume.var  volume.workdir


These volume.* files are used to generate arguments to docker run when run_bash_c runs with DO_RUN_CMD=show_run.

The volume.* files have simple formats:

  • one record per line, and columns separated by spaces.

Let's look at a few of them.

$ cat me/
$APPDIR $MEHOME/app rw defines Docker volume mappings. The $APPDIR line above declares a read-write volume, mapping $APPDIR on the Docker host to $MEHOME/app in the Docker container. As discussed earlier here, by our opinionated project directory rule, $APPDIR is defined to be a project directory with the name of the container image.

The file is converted into --volume <source>:<target>:<mode> arguments to docker run.

$ cat me/volume.var
MEHOME /home/me
myUID $(id -u)
myGID $(id -g)

A volume.var line has two columns, i.e., variable and value, separated by a space. So, we know that $(id -u) is a second column, even though it has a space in its string. Why? A space preceded it on its line.

This volume.var sets MEHOME, myUID, and myGID variables. run_bash commands convert these lines to bash variable assignment expressions, such as myUID=$(id -u), which runs the Linux id command to find the UID of the current user, and then assigns this UID value (by default, 1000) to a variable, myUID. Variables are then available for later bash expressions.

$ cat me/volume.user
$myUID $myGID

In volume.user, we see the variables myUID and myGID, defined in volume.var, now in use as expanded values.

The volume.user file is converted into a --user <uid>:<gid> argument to docker run.

volume.env and volume.workdir files are similar. These are converted into --env and --workdir arguments to docker run respectively.

We've had a look at some volume.* files. Here is our example run_bash_c command with DO_RUN_CMD=show_run, and its output.

$ env DO_RUN_CMD=show_run NAME=alpine_pg run_bash_c iti me_pg "psql -h my_host -U my_user mydb"
--network my-bridge --interactive --tty --init --rm --env SHELL=/bin/bash --volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --volume /usr/share/i18n:/usr/share/host-i18n:ro --volume /usr/share/locale:/usr/share/host-locale:ro --volume /usr/share/terminfo:/usr/share/host-terminfo:ro --volume $PROJBASE/alpine_pg:$MEHOME/app:rw --user 1000:1000 --workdir $MEHOME --volume $VOLBASE/pg/pgpass:$MEHOME/.pgpass:ro --name alpine_pg $REGISTRY/alpine_pg bash -c psql -h my_host -U my_user mydb

Unfortunately, the output is all on one line. Output all on one line is very inconvenient to view.

One can format this output further by piping it through Linux command fmt. fmt breaks lines on spaces. It also ensures that formatted lines are less than 80 characters long.

Using fmt, we get the following:

$ env DO_RUN_CMD=show_run NAME=alpine_pg run_bash_c iti me_pg "psql -h my_host -U my_user mydb" | fmt
--network my-bridge --interactive --tty --init --rm --env
SHELL=/bin/bash --volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
--volume /usr/share/i18n:/usr/share/host-i18n:ro --volume
/usr/share/locale:/usr/share/host-locale:ro --volume
/usr/share/terminfo:/usr/share/host-terminfo:ro --volume
$PROJBASE/alpine_pg:$MEHOME/app:rw --user 1000:1000 --workdir $MEHOME
--volume $VOLBASE/pg/pgpass:$MEHOME/.pgpass:ro --name alpine_pg
$REGISTRY/alpine_pg bash -c psql -h my_host -U my_user mydb

This output is not ideal, but still easier to view and read than output all on one line.

In the output, note the my-bridge Docker network. You must create this network, for commands from this repository to succeed. See here for a reminder.

In the output, one can see parts of the docker run command that draw from:

  • the me directory of the volume tree, and
  • the pg directory of the volume tree.

Remaining parts draw from the every directory of the volume tree.


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