- Create a
file with the following content at the root project directory:
FEED_CELERY_QUEUE = 'feed_tasks'
- Run
docker-compose build
through terminal, - Run
docker-compose up
- Open another terminal window and run
docker-compose run --rm app sh -c 'python manage.py fillfeedsource'
to fill the initial feed sources table,
You can run the tests by executing following command in terminal:
docker-compose run --rm app sh -c 'python manage.py test && flake8'
- app module contains whole project setting.
- comment module have the necessary endpoints to display a feed's comment and submit a comment on a field.
- Inside core module you can find all the models utilized inside this project.
- feed module holds the functionality to display feed items.
- By using endpoints provided inside feedsource, you can follow a FeedSource.
FeedSource is the destination from which feed items are retrieved.
- user module contains necessary functionality to create and authenticate a user.