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PHIDL 1.6.2

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@amccaugh amccaugh released this 26 Jul 16:46
· 143 commits to master since this release

1.6.2 (July 25, 2022)

New features

  • Addition of pg.snspd_candelabra() which creates an optimally-rounded SNSPD with low current crowding and arbtitrarily-high fill factor (thanks Dileep Reddy @dileepvr)
  • Lazy loading of matplotlib, allowing loading the base phidl libraries much faster (thanks Joaquin Matres @joamatab)


  • Modification to pg.boolean() s othat OR/union will merge all shapes within one Device, even if the second Device is None (thanks Stijn Balk @sbalk)


  • Modifying the parent of a DeviceReference now correctly updates the reference cell (thanks Joaquin Matres @joamatab)
  • Fix bug in pg.outline() when distance < 0 (thanks @yoshi74ls181)
  • GDS path objects now copy over when using pg.import_gds() (thanks Bas Nijholt @basnijholt)
  • Preserve and when saving and loading (thanks Bas Nijholt @basnijholt)
  • D.remove_layers() works also with GDS path objects (thanks Joaquin Matres @joamatab)