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Releases: alex3165/react-mapbox-gl

Add customAttribution option

30 Aug 10:38
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Added support for customAttribution option from mapbox-gl 0.48.0 release

Upgrade to mapbox-gl 0.48.0

25 Aug 07:48
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Updates mapbox-gl to 0.48.0

Removes the classes factory parameter (as it was removed in mapbox-gl).

Upgrade to mapbox-gl 0.44 and zoomControl hover bugfix

04 Feb 22:17
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Bug fixes + upgrade to mapbox-gl-js 0.43

31 Jan 22:11
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This release include the following fixes:

Bugfix layer style update

04 Dec 21:06
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When updating the style of the map and when using Layer without sourceId, an error was showing that a source with the same id was already there. This update should fix it.

React-mapbox-gl v3

20 Nov 09:50
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Breaking changes


  • bearing is no more a number but an array of length one with the bearing value as a number in it, see readme to know why.
  • pitch is no more a number but an array of length one with the bearing value as a number in it, see readme to know why.
  • layerOptions no longer exist, options are now being passed as props see for more informations
  • sourceOptions moved to geoJSONSourceOptions

ZoomControl, ScaleControl, RotationControl

  • position is no more camelCase but hyphen separated case for consistency with Marker and Popup

New Features


  • type also support fill-extrusion, background and heatmap (see heatmap new example)


  • Support style and className props


  • Update event handlers when changing between renders


  • Better examples
  • Upgrade to mapbox-gl 0.41
  • Fix bug with default Popup anchor

Refactor layer component and add support for dragging on mobile

03 Oct 07:40
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Notes: This release should not include any breaking changes, if your app break when upgrading from react-mapbox-gl 2.5.3 to 2.6.0 please open an issue.
There is some possible regressions around events for the Feature component

The release include:

  • Add support for dragging a feature on mobile
  • Refactor the layer component to extract the mouse events to an HOC

GEOJsonLayer bugfix

26 Sep 21:22
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Include a fix related to source not being updated when setting new data resulting to the loss / unexpected change of data when re-rendering. See #384

New features for Cluster and Layer components

11 Sep 17:49
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  • New prop zoomOnClick, zoom to fit the bounds of the map with the markers within the cluster on click on the cluster.
  • New prop zoomOnClickPadding, the amount of padding in pixels to add to the cluster bounds for the zoom.


  • New prop images, add custom images to Mapbox style at runtime to use with the layer, see Layer doc

Breaking change! Move maxBounds to component property

05 Sep 16:52
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It is now possible to update maxBounds of the map as is it now a property of the Map component and not a factory parameter.
