Adam Tyson | 2018-05-08 | [email protected]
Takes a two channel .lsm image. Channel 1 (nuclei) is maximum projected, and segmented. The nuclear segmentation is used to estimate cytoplasmic boundaries (midpoints between nuclei). Foci in the 2nd channel (sum projection) are then quantified on a cell by cell basis.
N.B. needs a recent version of MATLAB and the Image Processing Toolbox. Also required bioformats toolbox (included). Should work on Windows/OSX/Linux.
Save images as .lsm, nuclear marker in channel 1, foci in 2nd channel.
Clone or download repository (e.g. Clone or download -> Download ZIP, then unzip
Place whole directory in the MATLAB path (e.g. C:\Users\User\Documents\MATLAB).
Open foci2D\foci2D and run (F5 or the green "Run" arrow under the "EDITOR" tab). Alternatively, type foci2D into the Command Window and press ENTER.
Choose a directory that contains the images.
Choose various options:
- Save results as csv - all the results will be exported as a .csv for plotting and statistics
- Display segmentation - displays segmentation of nuclei, estimation of cytoplasmic boundaries and the segmented foci.
Confirm or change options: (the defaults can be changed under function vars=getVars in cell_coloc_3D.m
- Nuclear segmentation threshold - increase to be more stringent on what is a cell (and vice versa)
- Foci segmentation threshold - increase to be more stringent on what are foci (and vice versa)
- Maximum hole size - how big a "hole" inside a cell should be filled
- Largest object to remove - how big can bright spots outside the main mass of cells be and still be ignored by the analysis
- Smoothing sigma (nucleus) - how much to smooth before thresholding
- Smoothing sigma (foci) - how much to smooth before thresholding
The script will then loop through all the images in the chosen folder. Each image will be processed in turn, and a number of parameters will be saved (if specified):
- fociNumbers_TIMESTAMP.csv - number of foci per cell, per image
- fociTotalInten_TIMESTAMP.csv - total intensity of all pixels in foci, per cell, per image
- fociTotalArea_TIMESTAMP.csv - total area of all foci, per cell, per image
- summaryResults.csv - includes various parameters per image (but not per cell), these include:
- Mean foci number per cell
- Mean total foci area per cell
- Mean total foci intensity per cell
- Number of cells
Once the first image has been analysed, the progress bar will give an estimate of the remaining time.