Robots talking to each other, chasing each other, running from each other
The repo is now a python package that you can install by going to the RobotCollective directory and typing
pip install -e .
This is an interactive installation, so that the package will change whenever you pull the repo. If you include any dependencies, please put them in the requirements.txt file, so that any installations just install all the dependencies at once.
To import the modules, follow this example:
from speech.chat_commanding import openAI_driver
You need to install zbar to read QRs. You can do it by typing
sudo apt-get install libzbar0
for audio install scipy through apt-get, not pip
sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
some commands you may want to consider for debugging, but should not be necessary
We changed pin11 in the arduino from the motor's backRight
pin to the collision detector echoPin
. backRight
is now in pin7. If you re-upload driving_from_rasp_pi.ino
to your arduino, make sure you remove the cable from pin11 and put it on pin7.
Connect the collision detector echoPin to pin11 and the trigPin to pin6. Connect its 5V to the 5V of the Arduino, and its 0V to the ground of the arduino. You should end up with:
// motor pins
int speedRight = 9;
int speedLeft = 3;
int forwLeft = 4;
int forwRight = 10;
int backLeft = 5;
int backRight = 7;
// ultrasound distance detection pins
const int trigPin = 6;
const int echoPin = 11;
sudo apt-get install xdg-utils
The video streaming web browser will be opened automatically once you install this library.