The development of this library is still in early stage, so code quality and performance cannot be guaranteed.
To use the library, you need to add the jnr-ffi dependency and copy the source code of this library to your project.
PRs welcome!
WebP decoder/encoder for Java, supports animation and alpha channel.
The WebP Muxer/Demuxer in this library are written in Java, VP8/VP8L/ALPH Decoder/Encoder are not.
To decode/encode VP8/VP8L/ALPH frames, this library using jnr-ffi to call the libwebp library.
Remember this library do not contain the libwebp binary!
If the target system do not have libwebp binary pre-installed, you MUST put the binary to the java.library.path
For pre-compiled libwebp binaries, see
MIT (c) Tianscar